About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
Will “Boys and Girls” be Prohibited in Nebraska Schools?
Newly uncovered middle-school training documents in Lincoln, Nebraska, counsel teachers to avoid “gendered expressions” as part of an effort to alter the traditional understanding that man is divided into...
Archie Bunker in the White House?
Barack Obama was once hailed as "the smartest guy in the room" and the owner of an "off the charts" I.Q., but his continual, and bizarre, mistakes tell a...
Kremlin Takes Action After Exchange Student Adopted by U.S. Homosexual Couple
When you send your son overseas through an exchange program for cultural enrichment, you don’t expect him to be adopted by a homosexual couple and never return home. But...
Epidemiologist: “President Obola” Allowing Spread of “Killer Illness”
Are Barack Obama and other open-border advocates playing Ebola roulette with American lives in the name of ideology? ...
City to Fine Residents for Putting Too Much Food in Garbage
Collecting rights along with the garbage, Seattle politicians have decided to micromanage people's refuse. ...
KFC Bans Hand Wipes — Because They Might Offend Muslims
In yet another example of Islam's influence in the West, a U.K. KFC refused to give a native Englishman a hand wipe, claiming that the alcohol it contained could...
Prominent Cancer Doctor Prescribed Unnecessary Chemo, Killing Healthy Patients
A newly naturalized oncologist rendered false cancer diagnoses and then administered sickening, body-rending chemotherapy to healthy patients, killing some of them and making millions of dollars in the process....
Equal Work? Government Has No Idea What That Is
Are bureaucrats, politicians and judges qualified to determine what equal work might be in the thousands of professions in America? Government isn’t God; it’s not even the market, which...
Michelle Obama Criticizes America at UN for Treatment of Women
First Lady Michelle Obama recently decided to shine the light on a certain nation’s treatment of women. No, it wasn’t Saudi Arabia where females aren’t allowed to drive, or...
Obama Prohibits FBI From Scrutinizing Muslims When Seeking Domestic Terrorists
Attorney General Eric Holder's new rules dictate that Muslims must be viewed as no more likely to carry out terrorist attacks than are Catholics, Jews, Presbyterians, Methodists, or Episcopalians....
Sex Education for Five-year-olds — Pushed by Pedophiles
A proposal in Nevada to teach five-year-olds about masturbation and homosexuality is just the latest sex-education attack on childhood innocence, an attack initiated and perpetuated by pedophiles. ...
Religion: Crutch for the Crazy or Panacea for Peon and Prince?
Atheists regularly claim that religion is a crutch for emotionally and intellectually weak people — or even a mental illness — but what do actual studies say? ...
Liberal BBC Asks, “Is Sport Sexist?” While Promoting Inequality
The point is this: It’s silly and hypocritical to lobby for equality within an inherently unequal system while simultaneously supporting that system. And if you do, do you really...
Black-on-white Violence Rampant, Ignored by Authorities and Media
There's an epidemic in America. No, it isn't an enterovirus or Ebola, but a crime wave — one being ignored by the authorities and the media. ...
Who Abuse Women More, Liberal or Conservative Men?
In the wake of the Ray Rice domestic-violence incident, some critics are blaming traditionalism for the abuse of women. But is feminism really the cure for domestic violence? ...