About: Selwyn Duke
Posts by Selwyn Duke
1984 Now: EU Thought Police Say “Hate” Must be Regulated Out of Media
They’re not really sure what hate is but are sure of this: They hate it. And thus should “it” — as represented by discrimination, exclusion, and a “dangerous nationalism”...
Kids News? CBC Aims Political Propaganda at Children
Call it fake news meets Sesame Street. It wasn’t enough that the young were being indoctrinated in schools and via entertainment — now the Canadian government is targeting children...
Battle of Britain? Fearing Knife Killings, Parents Buying Kids Stab-proof Vests
First there were anti-rape shorts created in Germany due to a migrant-driven sexual-assault epidemic. Now knife crime is so bad in Britain that some parents are buying their sons...
Assange: Today’s Generation Last to be Free; Technology May End Civilization
Will our descendants live in tyranny — until rogue artificial intelligence ends man's reign in this world? This is a good question now with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s assertion...
Soda-sneering Bloomberg Says (Again) He May Seek Presidency — as a Democrat
The man who switches political affiliations like clothes but manages to remain left-wing throughout, ex-NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg, is again talking about running for president as a Democrat. He...
Ford, Fantasies and Facts: Does Kavanaugh Accuser’s Story Make Sense?
Some have called today’s lib radicals the “alt-Left” — but they’re really the alternate-universe Left. The majority of what they say not only isn’t the truth but is its...
Socialist State Dept. Official on Hidden Camera: “Resist” Trump, “F*** S*** Up”
It’s usually called the “Deep State.” Others have labeled it the “steady state.” Whatever you call it, we got one of the first real glimpses into it Tuesday with an...
University TA, Hosted by College Dems, Compared Whites to “Sociopaths”
An anti-white tweet can win a seat — at the media’s or academia’s table, seems to be the message. First there was Sarah Jeong, the New York Times editorial-board...
Google Caught Red-handed: Tried to Get Clinton Elected
An expert has warned that Internet tech giants have the capacity to shift “upwards of 12 million votes” in an election. It has been revealed that Google did in...
We’ll “Just Do It,” Says College — We’re Dumping Nike Products
Nike just did it, taking the plunge into anti-Americanism by making ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick their latest ad campaign’s face. While this caused nationwide outrage among traditionalists, many wouldn’t...
Serena Williams’ U.S. Open Tantrum Reflects Society’s Wider Problems
There was nothing serene about Serena Williams at this year’s U.S. Open, with her on-court tantrum taking the spotlight away from the winner, Naomi Osaka. But the incident also...
“Women Have It Better,” Admits Female Journalist
“I am woman,” goes the old feminist rallying cry, “hear me roar.” But “hear me whine” may be more accurate, is the message of female writer Karol Markowicz. ...
Leftists Are Now Advocating Racial Segregation
If you don’t like a leftist position, just wait a while. It’ll change. A good example of this is how while liberals fought racial segregation decades ago, now they increasingly...
Does Trump Have the Authority to Use Military to Build Border Wall?
President Trump’s signature campaign issue, the border wall, has thus far has been thwarted by immigrationist congressmen. But the president now has a remedy for their obstructionism: He may...
Obama’s Back, Slamming Trump and Projecting His Own Sins onto GOP
Barack Obama re-entered the political fray Friday, giving a speech at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in which he discussed his favorite and least favorite subjects: respectively, himself and...