Climatecrats Aim to Save the Planet — by Bulldozing Rainforest
Environmentalists once said we must save the trees. Now, they destroy even ancient forests if it suits their purpose. ...
Environmentalists once said we must save the trees. Now, they destroy even ancient forests if it suits their purpose. ...
Wokeness — that killer of souls and civilizations — may now have the sniffles, but it’s still alive and all too well. ...
Obama and Biden implemented social engineering by applying a racial double standard in school discipline rules. ...
Carlson said in a recent interview that we need to stop all immigration and "just have a cooling-off period, 30 or 40 years.” ...
A Bernie Sanders rally featured a performance by a trans singer filled with vulgar references about God, offending many people. ...
U.K. magistrates were told to consider whether a guilty party is "from an ethnic minority, cultural minority and/or faith minority community." ...
Though some Americans want us to be more like Sweden, socialism in that country — and in Europe in general — has led to economic stagnation. ...
While Democrats' antics last night went over like a lead balloon, President Trump soared like an eagle, and Americans overwhelmingly approved. ...
Narco state Mexico is suing American firearms manufacturers for $10 billion — over it’s own cartel violence. ...
Why do Europeans continue crossing a red line that, as with Hungary and Czechoslovakia, was always considered inviolable? ...
No, the federal judiciary is not the supreme branch of government. So does Trump really have to abide by blatantly unconstitutional rulings? ...
Many social-media "influencers" are now touting the benefits of socialism. But most of their claims are inaccurate. ...
Ninety-six percent of Republicans believe that there are just two sexes. However, only 14 percent of Democrats believe that. ...
Currently, a higher bar is set for members of so-called privileged groups who claim employment bias than for “minorities." ...
Democrats were once known as the party of the common man. Now they're defending government fraud and waste. ...