Sam Blumenfeld, Author at The New American - Page 21 of 25
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About: Sam Blumenfeld

On the Delights of Reading Old Magazines

I recently had the pleasure of perusing a number of old magazines from the mid-nineteenth century to about 1918. They included such great monthly periodicals as Scribner’s, Harper’s, McClure’s,...

The Egyptian Revolution

The problem with the Egyptian Revolution, which is being acted out in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria with huge demonstrations, is that no one knows what the revolutionaries...

The Facebook Phenomenon

As everyone knows, Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old originator of Facebook, was chosen by Time magazine to be its 2010 Person of the Year. The reason is obvious. In 2004,...

Turmoil in Egypt

It’s much too early to say what will be the outcome of the present popular uprising in Egypt against Mubarak’s dictatorship. But there are several scenarios that can be...

The Imposter at the Rostrum?

On Tuesday, January 25, 2011, a man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama took his place at the rostrum before the two houses of Congress to deliver his...

Dr. Orton’s Great Discovery

February 2011 will mark the 82nd year since the publication of Dr. Samuel T. Orton’s critical article in the February 1929 issue of the Journal of Educational Psychology. Its...

God Is a Salesman

I picked up this little book the other day in a discount bookstore.  Intrigued by the title, God Is a Salesman, I started thumbing through it and came across this...

How Insane is America?

Michael Savage asserts that liberalism is a form of insanity, and I agree with him. Considering the reaction of liberals to the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, it...

A Spanish View of Europe’s Dilemma

The following short article was published in a Spanish Internet magazine, Gentiuno, on November 21, 2004. Written by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez, it has been widely circulated on the Internet...

Reading the Constitution

The senseless and horrific killings in Tucson on January 9 by a demented young man have diverted the nation's attention from the positive changes taking place in Washington and...