Sam Blumenfeld, Author at The New American - Page 18 of 25
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About: Sam Blumenfeld

Netanyahu Wows Them in Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress on Tuesday, May 24, was a spectacle rarely seen in Washington. Both Democrats and Republicans gave the Israeli statesman over 25 standing...

Obama and the Jews

President Obama’s May 19th speech on the Middle East sounded like something a high-schooler would have given to win a prize in a politically correct oration contest. It showed...

Is Man a Spiritual Being?

Is man a spiritual being? Not according to Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and John Dewey. To them, man is simply matter in motion. In fact, Marx’s revolutionary philosophy is...

The Benefits of Home-Schooling

Last weekend, April 28 and 29, 2011, I attended the 22nd annual home-school convention of MassHOPE, at the Worcester, Massachusetts, convention center, where I was able to offer my...

Should the Public Schools Be Privatized?

Although the costs of public education keep going up every year, academic achievement in these schools continues to decline. Why? If you’ve read Charlotte Iserbyt’s well-documented expose of government...

Who Won the War on Poverty?

The Johnson administration’s War on Poverty was a very expensive exercise in futility, for the simple reason that poverty can never be permanently eliminated by giving wealth away. It...