Sam Mittelstaedt
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About: Sam Mittelsteadt

Sam Mittelsteadt

Sam serves as the webmaster for, but occasionally submits articles when issues consume his thoughts.
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." --Samuel Adams

Unraveling the Maui Tragedy

A former resident of Maui offers his insights as to what caused so much death and destruction and what could have been done differently. ...

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Unraveling the Maui Tragedy

One month after the devastating Maui fires, 115 people are confirmed dead and 315 are still unaccounted for. What role did government play in this tragedy? ...

Unity vs. Uniformity

After President Biden’s inaugural address, the Left in America began echoing his call for “unity.” That sounds wonderful. Who doesn’t want a unified country where we all get along?...

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