Ron Paul, Author at The New American - Page 23 of 27
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About: Ron Paul

Iceland Today, the US Tomorrow?

Iceland is not the only government to turn to a departure tax to raise revenue. Just last year, in order to raise revenue for federal transportation programs, Congress gave...

The Fed Plans for the Next Crisis

Much more significant than Yellen’s latest suggestion of a rate increase was her call for the Fed to think outside the box in developing responses to the next financial...

What Should We Do About Crimea?

The idea that we would be facing the prospect of World War III over which flag flies above a tiny finger of land that most US politicians couldn’t find...

The Phony Job Recovery

If jobs are created through government money creation and heavily protectionist laws and regulations, those jobs will not meet the needs of consumers, will add nothing to productivity, and...

The Path to Fed-Exit

As long as the Federal Reserve is allowed to manipulate the value of money and support the welfare-warfare state, we will never have a truly free market or a...

Don’t Reform the Fed, Fed-Exit!

Opponents of a central bank should take advantage of the post-Brexit vote revival of secessionist sentiments to promote a secession from central banking, or “Fed-exit.” ...

Orlando: The New 9/11?

About the only thing Orlando has in common with 9/11 is the way power-hungry politicians and federal officials wasted no time using it to justify expanding government and restricting...

Fascism: A Bipartisan Affliction

If neoconservatives and progressives truly understood fascism, they would stop using the word as a smear term. That is because both groups, along with most political figures and commentators,...