About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
True Unemployment Rate Is Far Higher Than 5.6 Percent
Americans may not be too surprised to learn that the 5.6 percent unemployment rate the U.S. Department of Labor is touting is entirely misleading; it's currently 12.6 percent. ...
The Goodness of America
The Extra Yard Americans have been so inundated with negative news stories involving various professional football players that any football fan could quickly become jaded about the nature of...
Rand Paul Reintroduces Bill to Audit the Fed
Following up on last year’s congressional efforts to audit the Federal Reserve, Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has re-introduced a bill that would subject the Federal Reserve to...
Judge: Arizona Illegals May Keep Driver’s Licenses Under DACA
One month ago, U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell issued a temporary injunction that forced Arizona to permit young "DREAMers" to apply for driver’s licenses. On Thursday, he made...
British Health Official Admits NHS Needs Radical Change
A key official with England’s National Health Service admits that the organization needs a complete overhaul before it collapses on itself. According to NHS Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh,...
New Police Radars Can See Through Walls
Law enforcement agencies across the country have for over two years been using radar devices that allow officers to look through house walls to see if anyone is inside....
Obama Lawyers: Hobby Lobby Ruling Not for Religious Nonprofits
Lawyers for the Obama administration said on Thursday that faith-based nonprofits should continue to comply with a segment ObamaCare’s birth control mandate, as the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling...
The Goodness of America
Warrior Healing Campaign On November 9, the Warrior Healing Campaign was launched in Charlottesville, Virginia, to assist veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. The campaign was started to...
Report Shows FBI Expanded Its Surveillance Program
A newly declassified report reveals that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become increasingly involved in warrantless surveillance. The 231-page report follows a study conducted by the Justice Department’s...
Republicans Set Sights on Tax Reform, but What About Government Spending?
Congressional Republicans are eyeing the budget process to enact tax reform. Senator John Thune of South Dakota is leading the push for Republicans to utilize budget reconciliation to ultimately...
England’s NHS Incapable of Meeting Patient Needs
England’s National Health Service is struggling to handle the ever-growing demand for emergency care this winter, and more hospitals have had to declare “major incident” emergency plans. ...
Obama Proposes Two “Free” Years of Community College, Taxpayer-Funded
President Obama proposed Thursday making two years of community college free for all students. Although his plan does not have an official cost established yet, White House officials estimate...
FCC Net Neutrality Vote Expected in February, but Will Congress Beat Them to It?
The Federal Communications Commission announced on Friday it will be introducing and voting on new net neutrality rules in February. The proposals are sure to set off another storm...
The Goodness of America
In Honor of Taylor The parents of Taylor Haugen, the Nice-ville (Florida) High School wide receiver who was killed six years ago during a football game, have decided to...
Inside Track
On Tuesday, ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber appeared before Congress to explain his controversial statements made in 2013 when he admitted that the law’s writers took advantage of the “stupidity...