About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
The Goodness of America
Blessing Box After being inundated with negativity from recent news stories, Jeanetta Presley of Muncie, Indiana, decided she wanted to be a source of positivity in her community. USA...
U.S. Supreme Court Fails to Reinstate North Carolina’s Voter ID Law
On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court failed to reinstate parts of North Carolina’s voter ID law that had been ruled unconstitutional by a federal appeals court. With the Supreme...
Study Finds No Scientific Basis for Transgenderism
The Left often likes to use science — or rather, a modified version of science — in arguments related to atheism, evolution, abortion, climate change, etc. But just how it will...
Injunction Against Texas Campus Carry Law Denied
Professors at the University of Texas attempted to block a new campus carry law from taking effect on their campus, but their request for an injunction was denied by...
The Goodness of America
Pools for Kids When San Antonio resident Todd Arredondo noticed children being teased after a Facebook photo showed them enjoying a makeshift swimming pool in the bed of a...
Daleiden’s Attorneys Seek to Lift Injunction on Release of University of Washington Fetal Tissue Research Documents
Earlier this week, attorneys with the Thomas More Society filed papers in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington to lift a temporary injunction against the...
Christian College Sues Obama Admin Over Sexual Assault Policy
Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU), a Christian college, is the first university to join a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its five-year-old policy mandating how schools address allegations of...
ObamaCare Continues to Be a Failure
President Obama’s signature “accomplishment” continues to plague the American people six years after it was signed into law. Major insurance companies are threatening to pull out of the healthcare...
IG Report Finds Detroit VA Hospital Spent $300,000 on Never-used Televisions
A new report from the Detroit Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general (IG) reveals that the Detroit VA hospital spent over $300,000 on televisions that were ultimately placed in...
Planned Parenthood Sues David Daleiden to Stop Document Release
Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit against David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress and also against the University of Washington to stop the release of documents that...
The Goodness of America
Grads Re-graduate Recent graduates at East Juniata High School in McAlisterville, Pennsylvania, staged a wonderful surprise for graduating senior Scott Dunn, Jr., who missed his graduation as a result...
Seattle Taxpayers to Fund Series of “Racial Equality” Workshops
Seattle taxpayers are footing the bill in the latest left-wing indoctrination efforts regarding so-called “white privilege.” In this particular circumstance, the focus is actually on “white fragility” and it...
Federal Judge Blocks North Dakota Voter ID Law
Another judge has struck a blow against a state’s efforts to combat voter fraud. On Monday, U.S. District Judge Daniel Hovland issued a temporary restraining order against North Dakota’s...
Report Reveals VA Spent Millions on Art While Veterans Died Awaiting Care
An oversight report by an independent taxpayer watchdog into the Veterans Affairs administration reveals more troubling information connected to the VA scandal, Fox News reports. According to the report's...
Last Charge Dropped Against Undercover Investigators at Planned Parenthood
On Tuesday, the last remaining charge against David Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress, and investigator Sandra Merritt, in Texas, was dropped. The pro-life advocates underwent what many...