About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Georgia Republicans Fight Back Against #BoycottNRA by Halting Airline Tax-cut Bill
The mainstream media and the Left are unfairly blaming the National Rifle Association (NRA) for the February 14 Parkland, Florida shooting, and corporations are kowtowing to demands that they...
Columbine Survivor Introduces Legislation to Push for More Guns, Not Less
Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, a former student of Columbine High School during the 1999 mass shooting, has once again introduced legislation to remove limitations on concealed carry...
Media Falsely Reports Florida Shooter Had Ties to White Nationalists
The mainstream media has falsely reported that the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white nationalist militia. ...
Goodness of America
Breakfast With Hundreds of Stand-in Dads When Billy Earl Dade Middle School in Dallas, Texas, asked for male mentors to attend a “Breakfast With Dads” event to stand in...
Left Condones Use of FDA-Unapproved Drug for Lactation in Transgender “Woman”
The liberal-Left is so bent on advancing the notion that transgenderism is normal that they are willing to use an FDA-unapproved drug to maintain their façade. Transgender advocates are...
Black Panther Superhero Movie Politicized by Left Even Before It Hits Theaters
Black Panther, set to hit theaters on February 15, is a new Marvel superhero film based on a beloved minor Marvel universe character, and if the reviews are any...
Father-Daughter Dance Cancelled to Adhere to Gender Guidelines
A New York City public school has changed the format of its upcoming father-daughter dance in an effort to adhere to the Department of Education’s new Transgender and Gender...
Judge Rules in Favor of Christian Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Same-sex Wedding
A California judge has affirmed the constitutional rights of a Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. According to Superior Court Judge David Lampe, the public marketplace cannot...
Goodness of America
Chick-fil-A Open on Sunday? Chick-fil-A is well-known for being closed on Sundays, but one of the local Atlanta restaurants was willing to make an exception during a time of...
ACLU Uses #MeToo to Advocate K-12 Sex Education That Denies Science and Dismantles Traditionalism
According to the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, teaching comprehensive sex education to children as young as kindergartners can help stop predatory and misogynistic behaviors. Melissa Goodman,...
Oxford University Lengthens Exam Times to Alleviate Gender Gap
It is becoming increasingly clear that social justice warriors (SJWs) don’t actually want to achieve “equality,” as in equal access and opportunity, but lower standards to create an illusion...
NFL Rejects Veteran Group’s Super Bowl Ad Against National Anthem Protests
The NFL has been losing viewership in large part over its support of the players' controversial National Anthem protests, and now the organization has rejected a Super Bowl ad...
Goodness of America
Good Going Around When Kate McClure’s vehicle ran out of gas on Interstate 95 in Philadelphia in October, she did not know what to do. Thankfully, a homeless veteran,...
Duke University Creates Gender-focused Think Tank
Duke University’s student government and Women’s Center have collaborated to establish a new think tank called “Think Gender,” whose purpose is to “illuminate the interrelationship of sexism, homophobia, gender...
Another Government Boondoggle: $430,000 Study of Latino Food Shopping Habits
The Department of Health and Human Services is abusing taxpayer dollars once again, this time by issuing a $430,000 grant for a study on the grocery store purchases of...