About: Raven Clabough
Posts by Raven Clabough
Teachers Union Uses Quarterly Journal to Advance Leftist Dogma
The American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s second largest teachers’ union, makes no effort to disguise its anti-Trump agenda in the fall issue of its quarterly journal, American Educator. ...
Okla. Judge Issues Temporary Injunction Against Pro-Life Law
Oklahoma County District Judge Don Andrews issued a temporary injunction against a state abortion law on Wednesday, one that requires abortion facilities to inform women the effects of medication...
“Woke” Colleges Are Encouraging “Inclusive Grading” Practices
Colleges and universities across the country are continuing to water down higher education and diminish its value for future generations of college graduates, this time by campaigning for “inclusive...
The Goodness of America
What’s Mine Is Yours Michael Todd, 15, was bullied because of his clothes during his first few weeks of high school at Martin Luther King, Jr. College Preparatory School...
Happy Halloween? Not at School.
Another Halloween, another opportunity for “woke” liberal progressives to impose their identity politics-riddled agenda on unwitting public. ...
California Governor Signs Bill Into Law Forcing Colleges to Provide Medical Abortions
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that forces state colleges and universities to provide free abortions on campus, despite pushback from colleges, the state finance department,...
Charleston Mayor Gets Flak Over Secular Christmas Parade, Backs Down on Name Change
The mayor of Charleston, West Virginia, has announced she will not be changing the name of the city’s annual holiday parade to the “Charleston Winter Parade” after backlash from...
U.K. Court Rules Against Doctor Fired for Refusing to Acknowledge Transgender as a Sex
A Christian doctor in the United Kingdom was fired after he refused to use transgender pronouns, and has lost a lawsuit against the government after a court declared his...
School Improperly Implants Birth Control Device in Teen Without Parental Consent
A Baltimore school implanted a birth control device in a teen without parental consent, and the implant was placed improperly, causing physical ailments to the teen and potentially putting...
Trump Administration Allocates Planned Parenthood Funds to Healthcare Groups
The Trump administration announced on Monday it would be re-allocating $33.6 million in funds originally slated for Planned Parenthood to healthcare groups that provide healthcare instead of abortions for...
Family Contends Autistic Boy, 5, Accused of Sexual Harassment for Hugging, Kissing Peers
According to an angry family in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a five-year-old autistic child was dubbed a “sexual predator” and accused of “sexual harassment” for hugging a classmate and kissing another...
Planned Parenthood Advises Hollywood on Movies and TV Shows, Director Admits
A director at Planned Parenthood claims the abortion giant has advised Hollywood on more than 150 productions since 2014, underscoring once more that Hollywood is a bastion of leftism....
Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Rights of Christian Business Owners
In a small victory for religious freedom, Arizona’s Supreme Court ruled on Monday that business owners have the right to choose whether to provide certain products to same-sex weddings....
Calif. Legislature Passes Bill Mandating All Public Colleges Offer Free Medical Abortions
On Friday, California’s Assembly passed a radical pro-abortion bill that would provide free abortions to all college and university students by a vote of 55-19. ...