Raven Clabough, Author at The New American - Page 162 of 167
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About: Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and is the oldest of five children. She acquired both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English at the University of Albany in upstate New York. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two children and has been a writer for TNA since January 2010.

2010 Census Fraud

January 4, 2010, CNN’s Audrey Singer wrote an article, "Census 2010 Can Count on Controversy," which predicted a variety of controversial issues that would surround the 2010 Census. Singer’s...

A Closer Look at Textbooks

In the debate over textbook content, the two major points of contention always seem to be the teaching of evolution, and American history overall. Students are schooled to believe...

Can’t Keep Ignoring the Signs

Most Americans recognize that the United States is currently facing major struggles, and that America is undergoing a fundamental transformation, but of those Americans, many still do not subscribe...