Raven Clabough, Author at The New American - Page 16 of 167
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About: Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough

Raven Clabough was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and is the oldest of five children. She acquired both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English at the University of Albany in upstate New York. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two children and has been a writer for TNA since January 2010.

The Goodness of America

The Gift of Transportation An anonymous donor surprised a Taco Casa restaurant employee in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, with a car so that he no longer has to walk to work,...

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The Goodness of America

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave Janis Shinwari had been serving the U.S. military as an Afghan interpreter for eight years before coming to the United States...

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The Goodness of America

All Lives Matter The current political climate has been harshly anti-police, so a white police officer in Sumner County, Tennessee, was pleasantly surprised by an anonymous good deed by...

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