Ralph R. Reiland, Author at The New American - Page 4 of 17
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About: Ralph R. Reiland

Is “Income Inequality” Unfair?

Income differences can be the result of something other than capitalist greed, racism, sexism, union busting, gluttonous stockholders, globalization, imports, automation, or the grasping shenanigans of the top 1...

The Hazards of Blind Obedience

“It is only those who hope to transform human beings who end up by burning them, like the waste product of a failed experiment,” wrote Christopher Hitchens, years before...

Good and Bad Economics

“The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye. The good economist also looks beyond,” asserted Henry Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson, first published in 1946. ...

Good Intentions, Bad Results

In their book Common Sense Economics, four university teachers specializing in economics and public policy warn that a “nation of economic illiterates” is “easily misled by leaders who tell...

Fatwas and Gender Wrecks

After a recent snowfall in the desert, “a prominent Saudi Arabian cleric ... whipped up controversy by issuing a religious ruling forbidding the building of snowmen, described as anti-Islamic,”...

Violence and Civil Rights

Protests that highlighted photos of slain NYPD cops Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, comparing them to members of the KKK, shows the level to which America has sunk in...

Lethal Surges

The U.S. "surge" in Iraq did not work. And for an American soldier who was there, the more recent VA "surge" to expedite claims and cut the backlog did...

Naughty and Nice

Inserting a bit of progressive politics into the holidays, the New Yorker magazine ended 2014 with an issue that included “Climate-Change Christmas Carols.” ...

The Name’s the Same — Aptronyms

Richie Richman is a name that perfectly describes the well-heeled financial position of Mr. Richman. President Obama squeezed in time before the midterm elections to hobnob with Richman and...