Ralph R. Reiland, Author at The New American - Page 17 of 17
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About: Ralph R. Reiland

Van Jones’ “Green Jobs” Ruse

You can't grasp the full craziness of Van Jones, Obama's now-resigned "green jobs czar" (actual job title: "Special Advisor on Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for the White House...

Obama’s Strategy of Demonizing

I guess we’re supposed to look at hospitals now and see nothing but gigantic butcher shops, filled with greedy doctors who are unnecessarily sawing off our feet and taking...

Redistribution via ObamaCare

You’d think the central planners at the White House would go outside their small group of relatives for some top-notch expertise when they’re trying to revamp something as big...

Barack, Meet Friedrich

"This isn't about me," President Barack Obama asserted recently, maintaining that his manic push for a vote on healthcare reform is all about us. ...