Paul Dragu is a senior editor at The New American, award-winning reporter, host of The New American Daily, and writer of Defector: A True Story of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.
Paul Dragu
Posts by Paul Dragu
64 Years Later, What Has The John Birch Society Done?
If it weren’t for the JBS, we believe the world the globalists seek to install — one in which you will own nothing and they everything — would already...
Tyranny’s Kryptonite: The U.S. Constitution
America has always been the number one destination for those seeking freedom and prosperity. Although not perfect, no other nation in the world has been as desirable as America....
Chris Christie’s Shot at John Birch Society Reflects Establishment’s Struggle With Losing Relevance
For a long time, the prevailing narrative among conservatism has been that America’s decline is the result of organic collective choices, specifically liberalism. And if we can just unchoose...
How Inflation Steals From The Middle Class While Enriching The Elites
Today’s financial system is complex and often misunderstood by the average American. If more Americans knew how it works, there would likely be an immediate economic revolution. In this...
War — Who is it Good For?
At the conclusion of World War I, globalists prompted the creation of the first intergovernmental organization, the League of Nations, to supposedly prevent another world war. It did no...
Wall Street Journal Slams JBS While Warning Readers About Destructive Globalist Ideas
The Wall Street Journal recently published an op-ed that opens with a dig at The John Birch Society. The author then used the remaining fourteen paragraphs to complain about...
The Dangerous Assumption That Not All Government Schools Are Harmful
One of the best ways patriotic parents can save their country is by pulling their children out of government schools. A couple weeks ago, my 10-year-old son and I...
Were We Right Not to Trust “the Science”?
Are the millions of people who refused the jab over concerns that it was harmful proving paranoid or correct? We are approaching the two-year mark of the Covid “vaccine”...
People Are Turning On Globalism. Now What?
With the election of Giorgia Meloni as Italy’s new prime minister, Italians joined the Poles, Hungarians, the “far-right” Swedish Democrats, pro-Brexit Britons, Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazilian supporters, and, of course,...
Anti-globalism Is Growing Around the World. Now What?
As globalists weaponize their influence over media, governments, nongovernmental agencies, academia, and the corporate boardroom to force the world into the technocratic hellhole they seek to rule, the people...
Agenda 2030 Scheme Threatens Iowans with Eminent Domain
The Agenda 2030 carbon-capture pipeline scheme is threatening to destroy the property and livelihoods of hundreds of Iowa landowners. In this episode, Paul interviews two Iowans, one who’s helping...
Glenn Beck Withdraws Support for a Modern-day Constitutional Convention
Popular talk-show host Glenn Beck announced Thursday on his show that he no longer supports an Article V convention to amend the Constitution. “I have been a supporter of...
Americanism Will Fix America, Not Republicans
Many people believe that voting Republican will fix our problems. But what did Republicans fix when they were in charge? In this video, Paul Dragu and Art Thompson, the...
Activism That Works
America is awake and the threat of one-world totalitarian government is no longer just a “conspiracy” — it is out in the open now. As a result, freedom lovers...
NWO’s Transhumanism & Behavior Control Plans | Freedom Is the Cure
While mainstream media obsess over fake insurrections, fake sexes, fake “abortion rights,” and fake white supremacy, the very real threat posed by artificial intelligence marches on with little attention....