About: Patrick Krey
Posts by Patrick Krey
Exercising The Right
Gun Battle Brewing in Minnesota The Star Tribune (Minneapolis) reported on January 20 about a political fight over gun rights in Minnesota that has the potential to become a...
Exercising The Right
AG Claims Second Amendment Sanctuaries “Have No Legal Effect” The Herald Courier reported on December 20 that Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring issued an advisory opinion that claimed Second...
Exercising The Right
Image Matters While many of us are passionate about our God-given rights, there are times where actions can be taken too far and become counterproductive. KFOR reported on November...
Exercising The Right
Backlash Against Gun Control in Virginia The Washington Post reported on November 23 about how pro-gun-rights Virginians continue to stick to their guns, so to speak, when it comes...
Exercising The Right
Is Your Ammo Incriminating? Most people who carry a gun for defense might not ever consider it, but the type of ammunition you use in your gun can have...
Exercising The Right
California Leads the Way on Gun Control Political commentators love to tell us that the current state of politics in California is what’s in the near future for the...
Exercising The Right
“Too Many Dumb Questions” Mlive.com reported on a no-nonsense homeowner who defended himself from an intruder and then didn’t have much patience for a 911 operator afterward. The incident...
Exercising The Right
Silent Self-defense? Ammoland.com featured an interesting essay about gun suppressors on September 15 by Tom McHale, an author who writes educational books for shooters. A suppressor is a firearm...
Exercising The Right
Stand Your Ground in Georgia CNN reported on September 17 about an incident in Conyers, Georgia, that occurred when three would-be burglars with bandannas covering their faces tried robbing...
Exercising The Right
Be Ready There are two key components to successful armed self-defense: (1) be prepared, and (2) have a quick response time. The CBS affiliate in Philadelphia reported on August...
Exercising The Right
Warren Targets Guns With Taxes Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is seeking to out-flank her primary opposition by moving further left on the Second Amendment. In an August 10 post...
Exercising The Right
The Politicizing of Criminal Prosecutions You want to believe that the criminal justice system is operated impartially, but every so often we learn about blatant abuses that make us...
Exercising The Right
Arming Teachers In the wake of the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, President Trump famously advised “arming teachers” to deal with school shooters, but the suggestion sent the...
Exercising The Right
Anti-gunners Want to Sue Gunmakers Out of Business This column has previously reported on many of the ways that anti-gunners seek to undermine the Second Amendment. One unconventional method...
Exercising The Right
Retired Cop Proves He Still Has Moxie! CBS reported on an incident in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, on May 30 that showed that even though a police officer may be retired...