Kurt Williamsen, Author at The New American - Page 2 of 3
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About: Kurt Williamsen

ObamaCare Unraveled

The Affordable Care Act — ObamaCare — has supporters because it offers subsidies and increased access to Medicaid, but there are good reasons why even most Democrats vilify it....

Government-run Healthcare

Many Americans wish the United States had a government-run healthcare system similar to England’s. But we already have two of them: the VA and the Indian Health Service. ...

Free Market Healthcare Reform

With health insurance companies being the bane of Americans, it seems silly to suggest that the private sector play a role in fixing the healthcare system, but it must...

How to Protect Our Environment

Concerned about the spotted owl and sage grouse or the purity and availability of water, woods, and open spaces? We tell why present “protections” aren’t working, and what will....

Discrimination and Fairness in Arizona

Now that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has vetoed her state’s Religious Freedom Restoration bill, which would have allowed religious business owners who find homosexual “marriage” to be morally repugnant...