Kurt Williamsen, Author at The New American
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About: Kurt Williamsen

Are Globalist Goals Good?

Globalists say that we must give global organizations the power to fix the world’s ills. We examine if either the common man or the environment will see help from...

Fixing Poverty & Feeding the World

Leading development economist George Ayittey says that to fix world poverty, we merely need to recognize failed efforts, find out why they failed, and not repeat the failures. ...

The Worst Racists in America

Whites are said to be so racist that the entire culture rests on “systemic racism.” While it’s true whites are the worst racists, it’s not for reasons you might...

Should We Lift the Shutdowns?

Despite massive hardships, especially on small-business owners struggling to not lose their businesses, many governors have not relented on shutdowns, though they should. ...

Saving America With Socialism?

“Progressives” claim that the best proof that socialism would work in this country to fix our problems with welfare, healthcare, and more is that socialism is already working here....

Getting Rid of Guns

Americans are nearly unanimous about the need to reduce mass shootings, but not about needing more gun control. That’s because evidence shows fewer guns mean more deaths. ...