About: Kurt Hyde
Posts by Kurt Hyde
Alaska Senate Election Still Undecided
Incumbent U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is claiming victory, but challenger Joe Miller has obtained a court order stopping the Alaska Division of Elections from certifying Murkowski as the winner...
Will the 2010 U.S. Census Data Be Used to Fraudulently Register Voters?
Many Americans objected to the numerous unconstitutional questions that were contained in this past year's U.S. Census forms. Most of the objections were based on unconstitutionality, invasions of personal...
Evidence of Major Vote Fraud Surfaces in the Houston Area
In the Houston, Texas area, a group of volunteer citizens called True The Vote, headed by Catherine Engelbrecht, has uncovered what appears to be vote fraud on an enormous...
Alaska Primary: Miller Concerned Murkowski May Try to Pull an Al Franken
The absentee ballots that were cast in Alaska’s Republican Senate primary will be counted on August 31. Current estimates are that about 7,600 absentee ballots will be counted. Challenger...
ObamaCare Gotcha Even Coin Dealers and Coin Collectors Are Adversely Affected
The ink has barely dried on the ObamaCare 101 DVDs that are being produced by The John Birch Society. Already JBS CEO Arthur Thompson's prophetic warnings that as time...
Federal Court Orders Port Chester, New York, to Implement New Voting Methods
The voters of Port Chester, New York, went to the polls on Tuesday, June 15 using cumulative voting and early voting. They did so because the Village of Port...
California Proposition 14 — Bad News Independents and Third-parties
According to the old saw, a forlorn man was once told: “Cheer up. Things could be worse.” So the man cheered up and things got worse. If you’re unhappy...
Govt Rule May Be Partly to Blame for NW Pilots Overshooting Minneapolis
The pilots of Northwest Flight 188 claim that they were overly concentrating on their schedules on their laptop computers when they overshot the Minneapolis airport by 150 miles. A...
Will Noncitizens Be Allowed to Vote in Georgia?
Karen Handel, Georgia secretary of state, issued a scathing press release following a decision by the U.S. Department of Justice to deny preclearance for Georgia's (already implemented) plan to...
End UN Interference in Our Elections
America can take care of her own electoral issues without being monitored by UN observers who pass judgement on our elections using their standards, not ours. When the Organization...
Voting on the Web
A movement toward online voting is sweeping the nation, but the practice, if implemented, could disrupt the integrity of our elections. ...