Jack Kenny, Author at The New American - Page 66 of 70
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About: Jack Kenny

Popular Presidents

In 1909, in the great state of Illinois, school teachers one February day were directed to spend at least half the school day in public exercises, patriotic music, and...

Land of the Free Now Home of the “Czars”

House Minority Leader John Boehner has accused President Obama of circumventing and subverting the Constitution by appointing more than 30 "czars" to oversee government operations from newly created positions,...

Pot Smokers Challenge Law in NH

While American taxpayers spend billions on efforts to stamp out opium crops in Afghanistan, coca plants in Colombia, and all manner of illegal drugs here at home, police in...

Yoga Ban Brings Guns to Town Common

When the Raymond, New Hampshire, selectmen refused permission to a local resident to hold a yoga class on the town green in honor of the United Nations International Day...

Healthcare Hirelings

Wilbert Joseph “Billy” Tauzin pledged $80 billion for a “seat at the table” in White House negotiations over the healthcare reform that Barack Obama campaigned for as a candidate...

Town Hall Tempest

The peasants are revolting — and getting downright ugly about it. That was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s complaint when she and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of...