About: John F. McManus
Posts by John F. McManus
Why Not Obey the Entire Constitution?
Our leaders do indeed know that the Constitution exists. It would be wonderful, however, if they faithfully adhered to all of it. ...
Chuck Hagel: A Brief Look at Obama’s Nominee for Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel’s obviously solid connections to the Establishment’s Insiders — his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and his promotion of an internationalist foreign policy in the CFR's...
Why John Kerry Should Not Be Secretary of State
There is plenty in the past of President Obama's nominee for Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry, that should exclude him from consideration. ...
Russell Means Dead at 72
One of the earliest members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) after it was founded in 1969, Russell Means died of natural causes at his ranch in Porcupine, South...
A Suggested Response for Romney to Send to Obama
Since the Obama campaign has decided to make an issue of Romney not releasing his tax records for the past five years, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee should ask...
Review of “Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America”
In his new book, Plundered: How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America, Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D., claims that “America is at war” and most Americans “don’t know it.” He exposes...
“Christ the Redeemer” Statue Is a Rio Icon
All visitors to Rio de Janeiro, certainly including the 35,000 arrivals for the 2012 Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, can’t help but notice the imposing “Christ the Redeemer”...
Irrelevant Congress Allowing Presidency to Become a Monarchy?
President Obama’s June 15 decree freeing at least 800,000 young illegal immigrants from possible deportation should be debated far more on executive overreach than on problems resulting from years...
Does Pastor Rick Warren Have a New Religion?
The "Purpose Driven Pastor," as Rick Warren describes himself, has recently been linked to a new religion called "Chrislam." ...
Obama Administration Shows Its Pro-UN Color
Late in 2011, U.S. funding for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was cut off because the agency had conferred legitimacy on Palestine as a nation. ...
Quick Quotes
Prominent Law Professor Claims bin Laden Succeeded in Changing America “Our terrorism laws have transcended bin Laden and even 9/11. They have become the status quo. That is the...
Quick Quotes
Supreme Court Justice Needs a Reminder About EPA’s Creation “Asking a court to set standards for emissions sounds like the kind of thing that EPA does. Congress set up...
Mending Our Monetary Maladies
With the dollar facing hyperinflation, this monetary expert suggests alternatives for the people and the states. ...
Quick Quotes
Anti-American Islamic Cleric Will Protest U.S. Plans to Remain in Iraq “The first thing we will do is escalate the military resistance activity and reactivate the Mahdi Army in...
Mending Our Monetary Maladies
Edwin Vieira, Jr. is an attorney who has won three cases before the Supreme Court of the United States. He earned four degrees from Harvard University, including his doctorate. ...