John F. McManus, Author at The New American - Page 13 of 27
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About: John F. McManus

John F. McManus

John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society


Chief of Staff Says President Trump Won’t Share Tax Returns “That’s not going to happen and they know it.” Calling the demand for the president’s tax returns “a political...

Free Speech Challenged

In America today, taking a stand for traditional values invites recriminations, even silencing. Progressives enjoy challenging past values, and they are winning many battles. Ask David and Jason Benham...


GOP Senator Doesn’t Back Trump’s Call for National Emergency “I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress. If we...

Weld Challenges Trump Reelection

On April 15, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld announced his decision to challenge President Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination. As the first to attempt unseating the president via...

Keep the Electoral College!

It’s not terribly difficult to find out why the men who gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 created an unusual process for choosing the chief executive for our country. ...


England’s Pro-Brexit Partisans Not Bending  “Instead of introducing more bans and regulations, we should use our departure from the E.U. to cut taxes, remove red tape, and move away...


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Gaffe Displayed in Lights “Hey AOC, this billboard cost about $4,000. But you cost New York 25,000 jobs and $4,000,000,000 in annual lost wages. Ouch!” Paid for...


Community Cancels Wind Turbines, Faces Financial Loss “The town was warned. The damage can never be reversed for many of us wind turbine victims. Some of my friends have...