About: James Murphy
Posts by James Murphy
Belgians March Against Signing of UN Migration Scheme
Belgian citizens are now joining the fight against power elites attempting to shove globalist UN immigration policies down their throats. ...
Some in U.K. Calling for Second Brexit Referendum
Some in the U.K. are floating the idea of a second Brexit referendum, which would offer citizens a chance to change their minds about leaving the European Union. ...
Students and Faculty at American University Call for “Minority Only” Spaces
Students and faculty at American University call for "minority only" spaces, but aren't such spaces antithetical to the university's goals of inclusion and diversity? ...
Theresa May Survives No-confidence Vote in the House of Commons
Prime Minister Theresa May today survived a vote of no-confidence brought by elements within her own party. May has announced that she will seek EU concessions on the Irish...
Theresa May Faces No-confidence Vote Over Handling of Brexit
The debate over Brexit in the U.K. has morphed into a no-confidence vote in the Theresa May government itself. May has announced she won't seek reelection in 2022. ...
Theresa May Calls off Tuesday Brexit Vote
The future of Brexit is uncertain as Prime Minister Theresa May delays a key vote on her current plan. May is looking to get a better deal from the...
Ocasio-Cortez Sees Climate Change Politics as Means to Transform America
Calling for a "Green New Deal," incoming Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is touting climate-change politics as a means to create a post-racial socialist utopia in America. ...
Theresa May Pushes Forward With Tuesday Brexit Vote
The “Irish Backstop” remains the main stumbling block as U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May faces a crucial (and perhaps doomed) vote next Tuesday. ...
California Bureaucrats Impose Solar Mandate on New Homes
California bureaucrats have approved costly (and possibly dangerous) new standards in an effort to address so-called climate change. ...
Brexit in Peril as May Struggles to Keep Her Deal Alive
When Great Britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016, it's unlikely that citizens could concieve of the nasty political war that would ensue over it. ...
Macron Blinks in Face-off With “Yellow Vest” Protesters
The French government announced yesterday that it will delay an increase in new fuel taxes by six months, but it may be too little, too late to pacify the...
No Easy Answers in France as Chaos and Protests Spread
While French President Emmaneul Macron pushes fuel taxes to address the "end of the world" due to climate change, protesters in France are struggling to make it to the...
Al Gore to Host Eighth Annual 24-hour Climate-change Infomercial
Carbon-credit salesman Al Gore has announced that he will be hosting his eighth annual 24-hour long television special on climate change from December 3 to 4. ...
GOP Expands Senate Majority as Hyde-Smith Wins in Mississippi
Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith defeated Democrat Mike Espy as the last of the mid-term Senate elections was decided in a run-off election on Tuesday evening. ...
France’s Macron Laments Protests While Selling His Country Down the Globalist River
France's Emmanuel Macron has gone full-on globalist by instituting new taxes on fossil fuels. But France's middle and lower classes are voicing their displeasure as their pocketbooks suffer. ...