About: James Murphy
Posts by James Murphy
California School Board Takes Steps to Fire Antifa-connected High-school Teacher
A Sacramento high-school teacher who bragged to an undercover operative that it was his goal to turn his students into left-wing “revolutionaries” is facing the loss of his teaching...
Project Veritas Outs California High-school Teacher as Antifa
A new undercover video released on Tuesday appears to show a California high-school teacher bragging about turning children under his tutelage into Marxist revolutionaries. ...
Dangerous Sea-level Rise? Study Shows Net Expansion of Pacific/Indian Ocean Islands
Despite constant fearmongering about dangerous sea-level rise due to anthropogenic global warming, more actual evidence is emerging that the vast majority of islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans...
Obama Education Secretary Likens “Anti-mask and Anti-vax People” to Suicide Bombers
In a vicious tweet directed at un-vaccinated Americans, former Obama official Arne Duncan compared their mindset to the terrorists in Afghanistan. ...
Texas Election Integrity Bill Finally Passes after Months of Democrat Delay
After more than six weeks of Democrat dithering, which included Democrats fleeing the state in July to deny a quorum, the Texas House of Representatives passed a new GOP-backed...
Wisconsin House Speaker Calls for “Cyber-forensic Audit” of 2020 Election
On Wednesday, Republican Speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives Robin Vos called for a “cyber-forensic audit” of the 2020 general election in the state. ...
Carbon-neutral by 2060? China Set to Build 43 More Coal-fired Power Plants
A Helsinki-based research group is reporting that Communist China is set to build another 43 coal-fired power plants along with 18 new blast furnaces as part of their newest...
Socialist Hypocrisy: Socialist Editor Tries to Fire Staff for Attempting to Organize a Worker Co-op
A group of employees at the far-left magazine Current Affairs are complaining that Editor-in-Chief Nathan J. Robinson has terminated their employment for attempting to organize a worker co-op at...
Texas House Drama Appears to Be Over; Enough Dems Show Up for Quorum
The return of three of their members to the state capitol signals the end of a 38-day Democrat stunt to stop a new election-integrity bill. ...
A Trilogy of Truth
Three new books from former John Birch Society CEO Arthur R. Thompson expose the UN’s agenda against the United States and the American way of life. ...
Biden’s DOJ Says Missouri 2A Preservation Act Is Unconstitutional
The Biden Department of Justice is objecting to a new Missouri law designed to protect the Second Amendment from Federal overreach. ...
Texas Supreme Court Rules Fugitive Democrats Can Be Arrested, Brought to House Chamber
Texas House Democrats who left the state in a denial-of-quorum attack designed to stop a new election-integrity law from being passed can be arrested and forced to do their...
UN IPCC Resurrects “Hockey-stick” Graph in Latest Assessment Report
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest assessment report released last week includes a familiar-looking graph designed to frighten the populace into accepting the doctrine of...
Scientific American Piece Suggests Naming “Climate-related Disasters” After Greenhouse-gas Emitters
A Duke University professor would like to name hurricanes, wildfires and other climate catastrophes after energy companies. ...
July the “Hottest Month Ever Recorded,” According to NOAA
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), July of 2021 — just last month — was “the world’s hottest month ever reco ...