About: Gary Benoit
Posts by Gary Benoit
Obama’s Homeowner Lifeline Not a Lifeline
“President Barack Obama threw a $75 billion lifeline to millions of Americans on the brink of foreclosure,” the Associated Press reported after the president’s February 18 speech in Phoenix,...
New “Stimulus” Law Just a Beginning
President Barack Obama today signed into law the $787 billion “stimulus” bill — a.k.a. the American Recovery and Investment Act — that is supposed to help jump-start the economy....
Coming Soon: Nationalization of the Banks?
Will the banks be nationalized? That question would have seemed preposterous prior to the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program to bailout major financial institutions. But with the TARP...
Movieguide’s “Faith & Values Awards”
On Wednesday, February 11, a standing-room-only crowd packed the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills for the 17th Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala, increasingly...
Newsweek: “We Are All Socialists Now.”
Newsweek magazine published the following headline on the cover of its February 16 issue: “We Are All Socialists Now: The Perils and Promise of the New Era of Big...
Media Bias Against Traditional Values
We’re used to seeing quarterbacks pummeled at the Super Bowl, but this year something else was sacked: a pro-life message featuring Barack Obama. Although NBC had originally agreed to...
Geithner Unveils Lastest Financial Bailout
In a speech in the Treasury’s Cash Room today, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner unveiled yet another initiative to stop the financial crisis in its tracks. “Right now critical parts...
Stimulus: More Spending or More Tax Cuts?
Should the stimulus bill be amended to place more emphasis on spending, or should it instead be amended to place more emphasis on tax cuts? That question defines much...
The Heartland Institute’s Climate-change Conference
The Second International Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute of Chicago will be held March 8-10 at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. While the...
Economics and Common Sense
Common sense tells us that government cannot resuscitate the American economy and restore it to good health by spending more money and going further into debt. The government cannot...
Carbon Dioxide a “Pollutant”?
Governments often find it useful to have an enemy on whom it can blame a need to raise taxes and/or take away individual rights from its citizens. Real people...
House Republicans Voted Unanimously Against Stimulus Bill
The House of Representatives yesterday passed the $819 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, delivering President Obama his first major political victory and yet another setback to American taxpayers...
“Stimulus” Spending Will Harm Recovery
Congress is now considering the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the latest barrel of pork to be tossed into the recessionary pit. This time around, the misnamed...
DPA’s Glorious Song/Dance Performances
Since 2006, an amazing group of free Chinese artists has gone on a tour that spans the globe, presenting a Chinese New Year Spectacular of music and dance. Divine...
Former Border Patrol Agents to be Released
During his last full day in office, President George W. Bush has commuted the sentences of former Border Patrol agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos. The president had been...