About: Gary Benoit
Posts by Gary Benoit
From the Editor
Behind Climate Alarmism Those of us who still pay attention to the mainstream media know that they have ratcheted up their climate-change propaganda, despite the fact that there is...
How Best to Effect Change in Washington
Every four years, many good Americans put significant time and money into trying to elect a president who will rescue America from the downward spiral our country is now...
Peace Officers and the Rule of Law
The police perform a vital function, protecting us from the lawless element, and they should be as close as possible to the communities they are entrusted to protect and...
Thirty Years of Projecting the Lines
The New American has made some amazingly accurate predictions during its first three decades of publication, as evidenced by the examples compiled in this article. ...
New “Freedom Index” Rates Every Congressman Based on Constitution
Our first "Freedom Index" for 2015 rates how every member of the U.S. House and Senate vorted based on the Constitution. ...
Our New “Freedom Index”: Rating Congress Based on the Constitution
The New American's "Freedom Index" rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign...
The Constitution: Beacon of Hope for Restoring the Republic
Despite our decades-long backward slide toward despotism, the Constitution remains intact and provides a beacon of hope for restoring the Republic. ...
How Do Your Congressmen Vote? Check Out the Freedom Index.
With all the hoopla and media attention now being devoted presidential politics, it would be easy to overlook the importance of Congress, which possesses more powers than the president....
New “Freedom Index” Shows How Your Congressmen Voted
Our latest "Freedom Index," the third for the current (112th) Congress, shows how every U.S. representative and senator voted on key issues such as raising the national debt limit,...
New “Freedom Index” Shows How Every Congressman Voted on Key Issues
How did your U.S. Representative and Senators vote on last summer's debt deal that raised the national debt limit while promising to reduce future spending and deficit projections? How...
Ron Paul’s Landslide Straw-poll Victory at Calif. GOP State Convention
Rep. Ron Paul won a landslide victory in the California Republican Party straw poll on Saturday, September 17 — an appropriate date considering September 17 is Constitution Day and...
GOP Presidential Candidates’ Credentials
Every four years, the two major political parties choose their nominees for President of the United States. The Republican and Democrat standard-bearers, like the political parties themselves, then represent...
New “Freedom Index” Rates Congressmen Based on Constitution
The New American has published its first “Freedom Index” for the new (112th) Congress. The index, published four times each two-year congressional term, rates all members of the House...
Communist China’s Propagandists Welcomed; American Journalist Shut Out
The National Governors Association Annual Meeting is taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15-16. In addition to the usual business of discussing budgets, education, jobs, and economic...
The WikiLeaks Disclosures in Perspective
Many Americans view the release of secret U.S. government documents by WikiLeaks to be an attack on our country. Newt Gingrich, for example, said on Fox Business Network’s Freedom...