Gary Benoit, Author at The New American
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About: Gary Benoit

Freedom Is Everyone’s Business

“I’m not interested in politics.” That’s a common refrain among those who want to live their lives without worrying about the affairs of government. Politics? Others can concern themselves...

Blazing the Trail to Get US Out!

The John Birch Society launched its long-range campaign to Get US Out! of the UN in the early 1960s, and over time has set the stage for today’s widespread...

Why the UN Matters

Inflation. Immigration. Crime. Guns. Jobs. Abortion. Those issues are among the top concerns on voters’ minds this election year — and rightfully so. But how about the United Nations?...

Secession? Why Not Nullification?

America’s federal system of government provides constitutional means to rein in unconstitutional federal overreach and secure liberty. Those means include nullification. ...