About: Dave Bohon
Posts by Dave Bohon
Constitutional Concerns Raised as President Pledges to Make BP Pay for Spill
Speaking to the nation from the Oval Office of the White House on the evening of June 15, President Obama addressed the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of...
Will Drones Be Flying in America’s Skies?
They’ve been used by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to track, monitor, and kill the enemy. Now, if state and federal officials, including those in the Department of...
Government Panel Predicts WMD Attack by 2013
The official report from a blue-ribbon panel warns that terrorists with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are likely to attack somewhere in the world in the next three years,...
Mr. Obama’s Disingenuous (and Disturbing) Proclamation
If there were any need to further establish the radical and reckless vision for America embraced by the man who presently inhabits the White House, one need look no...
Can Ultrasound Change Minds and Hearts in Abortion Debate?
With the claim that such measures “do not change hearts,” on June 11 Florida Governor Charlie Crist vetoed a bill that would have required a woman to have an...
Michigan Woman Sues Abortionist for Forced Procedure
A 20-year-old woman is suing one of Michigan’s most notorious abortionists for a 2008 abortion she claims he performed against her will. Caitlin Bruce was 18 years old, unemployed,...
Religious Leaders Target Sacrilegious Cartoon Project
A coalition of religious and pro-family leaders has taken aim against an animated series now being developed by the Comedy Central Network that would denigrate Christianity and the person...
Survey Finds Americans Have Dim View of Nation’s Moral Values
Flip on the TV, peruse the Internet, or page through the average magazine on the newsstand today, and it is difficult to ignore the obvious: America’s moral values seem...
House Votes to Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Military Ban
In what appears to be a race to incorporate policies now that might not pass muster after November elections deplete Democratic majorities, on May 27 both the Senate Armed...
High Court Hears Arguments on Christian Student Group
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments April 19 to decide whether or not a public institution can deny recognition to a student group if the group requires that only...
Nebraska Abortion Law Challenges Roe v. Wade
Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman put his signature to an historic bill April 13 banning abortions of pre-born babies beyond 20 weeks from conception. The enactment of the legislation makes...
Census Bureau Encouraging Homosexuals Couples to Identify as “Married”
The U.S. Census Bureau is ramping up its efforts to make sure homosexual couples are counted as “families” in the 2010 census, even in states where same-sex marriage has...
Is Military Confused on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”?
What exactly is the status of the U.S. military’s official policy on the 17-year-old “don’t ask, don’t tell” law, which allows homosexuals to serve in the armed forces —...
Same-sex Couples Wed in Washington, DC
Homosexual couples began marrying March 9 in Washington, DC, nearly a week after a measure permitting same-sex marriage passed its final legal hurdles and became law. Scores of couples...
Pro-Family Spokesman Blacklisted for Remarks Against Homosexuals in Military
When Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, was invited back in October to be the guest speaker at a February 25 prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force...