Daniel Natal, Author at The New American - Page 8 of 17
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About: Daniel Natal

The People’s Thing

The word ‘republic’ is from the Latin phrase ‘res public’ and translates as ‘The People’s Thing’. Unlike any other form of government, republics are centered around the people. How...

Government Grifting

The traditional way that governments make money off citizens is through taxation. But what if the government is selling your data to make money off you? Isn’t that essentially...

America, Inc.

In light of BlackRock taking over the functions of the Federal Reserve (which itself took over the monetary functions of the U.S. Congress), America is in danger of corporations...

The Efficiency Trap

We, as a society, have a bias in favor of efficiency. The dark secret of efficiency is that monopolies are more ‘efficient’ than the creative destruction of capitalism, dictatorships...

Conspiracy Theory

The Establishment rolled out a campaign in 1967 to dissuade critical thinking and skepticism of government. The CIA created the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in the wake of the Warren...

World War XI

There’s a war on the U.S. dollar, headed up by China’s President Xi. His goal is to dethrone the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The only way this...

Electoral College Dropouts

Do ordinary people get to elect the President? The answer to that question is: no. Party bosses pre-select candidates already amenable to them, and then allow the people to...

The Post Scarcity Society

Because of advances in industrial production, we’ve been said to have edged into a “post-scarcity economic model”. Unfortunately, there are forces at work to reverse the surpluses we’ve generated...

The Metaverse

Facebook, Microsoft and other companies are racing to create a digital simulacrum of the real world based on virtual reality. What are the sociological implications for a society which...

Christianity and Capitalism

According to German philosopher Max Weber, capitalism first arose in the West (as opposed to other places) due to a unifying ethical code: namely, Christianity. Because morality was promoted,...

The Takedown of Joe Rogan

Some years ago, actor Tom Cruise questioned the overuse of pharmaceuticals on vulnerable people. The pharmaceutical industry swung into action to discredit Cruise and keep sales high. Podcaster Joe...

Licensing Your Own Money

The technocrats are promoting the Circular Economy model, where “you will own nothing and be happy”. In this model, you will not own anything; you will merely license it....