Daniel Natal, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 17
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About: Daniel Natal

Kicking Away the Ladder (Part 2)

In this second installment of the “Kicking Away the Ladder” series, we explore how the upper middle class and wealthy have extremely high rates of intact nuclear families, while...

Kicking Away The Ladder (Part 1)

In 1841, Friedrich List, the leading German economist of the mid 19th century, argued that it was in the nature of more developed countries to kick away the ladder...

Say No To Soycialism

We are a society desperately in need of virtue. But “virtue” is rooted in the Latin word, vir, which means “man”. So virtue comes from a conception of “acting...


Character, in the weak, is what happens as a result of experience; in the strong, character is what GUIDES experience." What does it mean to have integrity? And why,...

The Body Politic

As healthcare is used as the ‘camel’s nose under the tent’ to create a pretext upon which to allow more state intrusion, some of its advocates are invoking “The...

School of Darkness

“Only a fool allows his enemy to educate his children.” –Malcolm X. What happened to the American education system? How did we end up here? Former Communist Bella Dodd...

Corporate Barbarians

Ethics evolves when large societies have to cooperate in order to function. Reciprocity grows out of this. Primitive man, by contrast, is less reciprocal because he is mobile and...

Secret Voting

As the Arizona vote audit proceeds, there are reports that 40,000 ballots were discovered which were not from the designated printer. As these claims are vetted, a deeper question...

Bill Gates Gets Divorced

Billionaire Bill Gates has just announced that he and his wife of 27 years, Melinda, are getting a divorce. This is hard on the heels of Amazon.com Jeff Bezos...

Mean World

Mean World Syndrome was first coined by social scientist George Gerbner. He found a direct correlation between the amount of television one watches and the amount of fear one...


As inequality is being used as a buzzword and pretext to collapse the old world order and institute a so-called Great Reset, what is really behind the inequality? WHO...