About: Charles Scaliger
Posts by Charles Scaliger
Trump, Trade, and the Fed
Inconsistencies, bombast, and troubling positions on other issues notwithstanding, Donald Trump is the only serious presidential candidate talking the talk on avoiding the TPP, getting out of NAFTA, and...
McConnell: GOP Senators Will Refuse to Consider SCOTUS Nominations This Year
In a rare display of backbone, the Senate GOP is unanimous in opposing any Obama Supreme Court nominee following the death of Antonin Scalia. The Democrats' long and sordid...
Scandinavian Paradise?
The Nordic countries, with their widely-admired democratic socialism, aren't quite the earthly paradise the likes of Bernie Sanders would have you believe. ...
Benghazi Attack Retold
The Benghazi attack, the attack that killed a U.S. ambassador to Libya and that the Obama administration blamed on an anti-Muslim film, is depicted, based on eyewitness accounts. ...
Do the Math: Hillary Clinton and the Superdelegates
Democratic superdelegates have given Hillary Clinton a commanding lead over Bernie Sanders. But can they be counted on to put Clinton over the top in the delegate race? ...
Einstein’s Gravitational Waves Finally Detected
A century after they were first predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravitational waves — the cosmic "signatures" of massive disruption of gravitational fields — have finally been...
New Hampshire: It’s Donald and Bernie for the Win
As expected, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders cruised to victory in the New Hampshire primary. ...
Can Some Socialism Be a Good Thing?
Most people seem to agree that communism (a type of socialism) has proven to be a failure, but many believe that soft socialism is beneficial. Let’s look at some...
The Timeless Appeal of Star Wars
The new Stars Wars trilogy is off to a promising start, as it revolves around a good storyline, strong differentiation between good and evil, and lots of action. ...
President Obama Visits a Mosque With Extremist Ties
The Islamic Society of Baltimore, Obama's chosen venue for his message of solidarity with American Muslims, has ties to radical Islam, and one of its members was arrested in...
Paul Ryan Versus the Freedom Caucus
The House speaker tried to placate members of the House's large Freedom Caucus, who are reluctant to support Ryan's budgetary ambitions. But caucus members weren't having any. ...
Climate Costs Estimated at More Than $12 Trillion for U.S. Taxpayers
The new Paris climate regime being put in place by the Obama administration will add roughly half a trillion a year to the national debt over the next 25...
$19 Trillion and Counting
Up and up goes the debt, freed now from any "debt ceilings." How and when the insanity will stop is anyone's guess. ...
Obama’s “Task Force on New Americans” Launches Citizenship Initiative in LA
Of course, the initiative isn’t just about illegal residents. There are an estimated 700,000 legal non-citizen residents in the Los Angeles area alone, These are of great interest to...
Sweden Makes Plans to Deport 80,000
Sweden, stretched to the breaking point, is planning to deport tens of thousands of asylum-seekers from the Middle East. But the logistics will be challenging. ...