About: Charles Scaliger
Posts by Charles Scaliger
The Left’s “ABC” (“Anything But Christianity”) Syndrome
The Left has an “Anything But Christianity” attitude because it wants to erase individuality and God-given human rights — both products of Christianity — to empower government. ...
Act Now To Live Poor: The UN’s Plan for You
The UN’s ActNow program goes into detail about the individual sacrifices the UN wants everyday Americans to make — and to pressure legislators to make it happen. ...
Socialist Realities
The flaws of socialism are somewhat hidden in countries that enacted socialism after they were wealthy, but in countries that instituted it when they were poor, the trends are...
Socialism Explained
Socialism means different things to different people — from Medicare for All to complete government control of society — so we explain what it is, as well as misconceptions...
Trump’s Budget Priorities
If you were hoping that President Trump would seek to balance the budget and cut unconstitutional spending (eliminating socialism as he goes), you’ll be disappointed. ...
Trump and the Federal Reserve
With President Trump being the first U.S. president in decades to be even nominally against the Federal Reserve and the problems it causes, it’s time for a Fed refresher....
China’s New Aggression on the World Stage
China has long used Western capital to challenge the might of the West. Now it is moving forcefully, making demands of companies and countries, expanding its influence. ...
Another Step Toward Auditing the Federal Reserve
Representative Thomas Massie kicked off the legislative New Year on January 3 with H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. ...
Thanksgiving and the Blessings of Liberty
Although many holidays have broad international appeal, Thanksgiving — arguably America’s second-favorite holiday after Christmas — is celebrated only in the United States and Canada. What originated as a...
“Free Trade” Isn’t Really About Trade
“Free trade” sounds great to most business people, but free trade treaties are about giving up a country’s powers and people’s rights to unaccountable international entities. ...
Manage the Money, Manage the World
Since the 1940s, globalist elites have angled to simultaneously rid the world of national currencies and create a world currency — in a bid to centrally control the planet....
Done With Conservative Democrats
Once upon a time in the Democratic Party, there were conservative Democrats — politicians and voters who cared about the country and its inhabitants as well as about right...
Electing Constitutionalists
With President Trump’s efforts to “drain the Swamp” in Washington being stymied by both Republican and Democratic liberals, election support for constitutionalists is necessary. ...
Why Most Americans Won’t Retire Well
With Americans taking out loans for most of life’s big-dollar purchases because prices have inflated along with government printing of money, they don’t save enough for old age. ...
Establishment Conservatives Now Hoping for Democratic Takeover in November
Many establishment conservatives — some of them former Republicans — are now rooting for the Democrats in the fall elections. Is it anti-Trump derangement or showing their true colors? ...