About: Charles Scaliger
Posts by Charles Scaliger
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Now Have a Blank Check
Little noticed (so far) by the American public, a Christmas Eve announcement by the Obama administration to expand the amount of bailout monies available to ailing mortgage giants Fannie...
Bernanke is “Times'” Man of the Year
With the expiration of one of the most turbulent years, economically speaking, in American history, it is not surprising that Time magazine has recognized Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke...
Fall of the Berlin Wall … and Rise of the EU
This week, as almost everyone is aware, marks the 20th anniversary of the dramatic fall of the Berlin Wall, an event that set in motion the domino-like collapse of...
What Dodd’s Bill to Clip Fed Powers Really Entails
Senator Christopher Dodd and fellow Senate Democrats are proposing to scale back the regulatory authority of the Federal Reserve and eliminate the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,...
India’s Central Bank Buys 200 Tons of Gold
In yet another sign of eroding international confidence in the U.S. dollar, India’s central bank has just purchased 200 tons of gold from the International Monetary Fund at $1,045.00...
Subcommittee Guts Ron Paul’s Bill to Audit the Fed
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act (H.R. 1207), Congressman Ron Paul’s landmark bill to audit the Federal Reserve, has been gutted in a House subcommittee as it works its way...
Samuelson Ponders Unthinkable: U.S. Govt Default
In Robert J. Samuelson’s latest op-ed piece for the Washington Post, “Could America Go Broke?”, the longtime editor and economic and business writer — who can normally be counted...
Karzai’s Brother on CIA Payroll, N.Y. Times Says
According to a New York Times report published on October 27, Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of Afghan president Hamid Karzai, is on the CIA’s payroll. Not only that, Ahmed...
Legislation Targets Financial Sector
Less than a week after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke urged Congress to act with dispatch to pass new legislation giving the Fed and the Federal Government more surveillance...
Did N.Y. Fed Engineer Sweetheart Deal for AIG Debt Holders?
A year after the onset of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, details continue to emerge of the sordid secret deals cut by the Federal Reserve in...
Bernanke Urges More Regulation of Financial Sector
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is growing impatient. With the financial crisis continuing to drag on, Bernanke appeared again before Congress yesterday to urge lawmakers to pass legislation aimed at...
Review: Michael Moore’s “Capitalism”
Subtlety has never been one of filmmaker Michael Moore’s strong suits. And the latest offering from Hollywood’s pre-eminent leftist “documentarian,” Capitalism: A Love Story, is, like most of Moore’s...
G-20 Summit Designs for Global Economy
The G-20 Pittsburgh summit is over, and the Steel City is returning to normal. For the rest of the world, however, the latest gathering of leaders of the world’s...
G-20 May Agree on Limiting Bankers’ Bonuses
According to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the leaders of the G-20 nations now assembled in Pittsburgh are close to agreement on a set of international limits to be...
G-20 Summit Opens in Pittsburgh
As world leaders gather today in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for the latest G-20 meeting, expectations are running high among global elites that this, the latest international economic summit in a...