About: Charles Scaliger
Posts by Charles Scaliger
Financial Reform Bill on Brink of Passage
The final version of the financial reform bill that has become a central component of President Obama’s New Deal-esque program to enormously enlarge the powers of the federal government...
Bilderberg Group Met and Discussed — What?
In hindsight, the Steering Committee in charge of the annual gathering of elites known informally as the Bilderberg group could have chosen a better — or at least a...
Secretive Bilderberg Group Meets in Spain
It happens every year in June, somewhere on the face of the Earth where there’s enough security and affluence to accommodate a gathering of the world’s most exclusive club....
Financial Reform Bill in a Nutshell
The Senate Thursday night passed its long-awaited financial reform bill, another critical plank in President Obama’s New Deal-esque agenda to bring the private sector under more comprehensive and stifling...
Finance Reform Bill Would Undermine Effort to Audit the Fed
One aspect of the behemoth finance reform bill now being debated in the Senate that has not attracted any mainstream media attention is its limitations on congressional power over...
Govt Turns on Goldman Sachs, One of Its Kept Financials
The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a lawsuit April 16 against New York-based investment bank Goldman Sachs. The SEC alleges that Goldman committed systematic fraud in marketing a package...
Dodd’s Finance Reform Bill Would Strengthen Fed
There are from time to time political events that attract attention and controversy, only to fade into well-deserved obscurity. Who today can recall the storm and stress over the...
Iceland Debt Small Part of Global Debt Crisis
Iceland’s recent vote not to repay billions of dollars owed to Britain and the Netherlands underscores the growing risk involved in bailing out sovereign debtors. When Icesave, an Iceland-based...
Bernanke Wrongly Calls “Bizarre” Allegations Cited by Ron Paul
On February 24, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), at a hearing held by the House Financial Services Committee, asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke whether he was aware of allegations...
Greece, Euro, and Even the EU on the Ropes
Let us be perfectly clear: The fiscal woes of Greece, one of the European Union’s weaker economies to begin with, are quite likely beyond even the abilities of the...
Recovery Act a Bust, Despite Obama Claims
"The art of economics," economist Henry Hazlitt wrote nearly seven decades ago, "consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or...
Bernanke Confirmed Despite Track Record
If there were any lingering doubts that official Washington rewards incompetency and lack of foresight, Thursday’s Senate confirmation of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to a second four-year term...
Economy Far From Being Out of the Woods
The evidence is mounting that the American economy is very far from being out of the woods. For one thing, the latest job reports show that 85,000 more jobs...
The Last Decade and the Prospects for Freedom
As the Decade That Has No Name (The “aughts”? The “zeroes”? The “naughty naughts”?) draws to a merciful close, we would do well to consider what a difference 10...
GMAC Will Get More Bailout Money
GMAC Financial Services, the former financial arm of General Motors, is set to receive yet more federal bailout funds as the year draws to a close. According to a...