About: Charles Scaliger
Posts by Charles Scaliger
Shanghai Now Under Severe Covid Lockdown
While world attention is riveted on Ukraine, another great crisis is building in the People’s Republic of China. For more than a week, the entire city of Shanghai has...
Calls for New World Security System Arise From Ukraine War
Among the many conflicting narratives emerging from the fog of the Ukraine war is the future of the “world security system.” Frustrated by the reluctance of Western countries, including...
America First
Decades before Trump’s “America First” rallying cry, there was the America First Committee, which enjoyed strong popular support prior to Pearl Harbor. ...
The Dutch Republic
America’s Founding Fathers studied and applied the lessons of history when they launched our great experiment in liberty. One such lesson that is now mostly forgotten, but worth revisiting,...
The Case for the Filibuster
Though the filibuster was established by the Senate, not the Constitution, it is in harmony with both the Constitution and the Senate’s role as a deliberative body moderating the...
Russia vs. Ukraine: Is It Our Fight?
The long-simmering dispute between Russia and Ukraine appears ready to boil over into all-out war. Should that happen, will NATO become embroiled in the conflagration? How about America? ...
Athens: A Cautionary Tale of Democracy’s Failures
The Athenian experiment with democracy, including the Greek state’s rise to prominence and its eventual fall, provides valuable lessons for Americans today. ...
Giving Thanks in Times of Trouble
While many Americans are distraught by the current situation of their country and the world, they can find comfort in the fact that good people have suffered through and...
They Call It Infrastructure Spending
To provide cover for the fact that the Biden administration is blowing money on socialist, ill-advised boondoggles, the spending has been dubbed “infrastructure” spending. ...
Can Government Print Unlimited Cash?
Modern Monetary Theory — upon which socialism rests — says that government can print as much money as it wants without consequence, if it’s done right. Not true! ...
The Inflation Tax
Government spending is a problem largely because it means taxation of Americans, reducing their standards of living. One of the most insidious taxes is the tax of inflation. ...
Trimming Big Government
Donald Trump was elected partly on promises to streamline and cut costs in government. While the streamlining may be happening, the cutting is not. ...
Germ of Totalitarianism
Humans’ fear of killer germs — this time the coronavirus — can be used to stir up calls for authoritarian government controls on a populace. ...
Citing Coronavirus, China Locks Down Wenzhou and Its 9 Million People
In an ominous new development, the Chinese government has locked down the city of Wenzhou, China’s 15th largest, a growing sign that the coronavirus outbreak is defying efforts of...
Quarantine and Wuhan: Government Power in Times of Epidemic
The story of the Wuhan coronavirus, so far, is a cautionary tale of the dangers of government power in times of epidemic. ...