About: C. Mitchell Shaw
Posts by C. Mitchell Shaw
Project Veritas Exposes CNN: More Than 100 Hours of Secretly Recorded Audio
Project Veritas has released more than 100 hours of secretly recorded audio from CNN’s Atlanta headquarters. The recordings — made in 2009 — demonstrate the liberal bias, dishonest reporting,...
First DHS Immigration Memo: On the Way to Real National Security
The New American takes an in-depth look at the first of two memoranda released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Tuesday dealing with President Trump's policy shift...
DHS Publishes Memoranda on Immigration Policy to Secure the Border
In keeping with President Trump’s promises to secure the borders of the United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published two memoranda on Tuesday detailing how the Trump...
McCain Attacks Trump for Tweet About the Press While Saying, “I Hate The Press”
While defending the New World Order on Sunday’s Meet The Press, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) told host Chuck Todd that he is concerned that President Trump is “suppressing the...
From Russia With Love: Did Putin Put Trump in the White House?
Hillary Clinton and many in the media accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 election in order to get Donald Trump in the White House. What really happened? ...
Intelligence Community Claims on Trump
Some members of the intelligence community have claimed that President Trump is not only in bed with the Russians, but that he may be being blackmailed. Are they credible?...
Trump Calls Media Out for “Fake News”
In Thursday's press conference at the White House, President Trump called the mainstream media out for creating "fake news" out of thin air. ...
Is the Intelligence Community Keeping President Trump in the Dark?
The ongoing war between the intelligence community and Donald Trump has not eased in the wake of his election; it appears to have escalated, with the intelligence community withholding...
Trump’s Refugee Order Still Has a Fighting Chance to Keep America Safe
President Trump's temporary suspension of the highly controversial (and highly dangerous) refugee program has drawn fire from liberal quarters and the courts. But the order still has a fighting...
Trump Travel Ban Unconstitutional? But Obama, Bush, Carter Travel Bans Constitutional?
Other presidents have suspended immigration without having their orders derailed by the courts. Why is Trump's executive order being treated differently? ...
The Beginning of the End of “Net Neutrality”?
As the political winds that propelled Internet regulation under the misnamed scheme of "Net Neutrality" have shifted, that scheme may soon come completely undone. ...
Hollywood Attacks Trump Over Refugee “Ban”
The rhetoric of the Hollywood crowd at Sunday night's Screen Actors Guild Awards is indicative of the disconnect — and the lack of anything resembling intellectual honesty — of...
Trump’s Order Suspending Refugee Program: Racism or Balanced National Security?
President Trump’s executive order suspending the controversial U.S. refugee program has been called a "Muslim ban" and condemned by the those who celebrated when Obama signed into law the bill...
Trump Justifies Torture, Saying “It Works”
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump echoed a statement he made while on the campaign trail. In an interview with ABC News, he said that where terrorism is concerned, America...
Democrat Congressman Compares Trump to Hitler Over Immigration
Less than a week into his presidency, Donald Trump has so upset the liberal applecart that many Democrats just don’t know how to cope. But in a classic case...