Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 30 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

Monstrous Mao

Frank Dikotter, an historian from Hong Kong, has been allowed wide access to Chinese Communist Party archives. Speaking at the Independent Literary Festival, Dikotter described Mao Zedong as the...

UAW Ignores Economic Reality

Organized labor, like the octopus of government, ignores the realities of ordinary life. America is in the midst of a depression and unemployment is a profound problem in much...

Coal Miners Upset With EPA

As America struggles with expensive energy provided by foreign nations without our best interests at heart, West Virginians must wonder why. America is rich in coal, a resource that...

The Daley Dynasty

George Washington was one of the greatest men in human history. This greatness had to do with his tenacity, his character, and his courage. But most of all, George...

DEA Seeks FDA to Regulate Cough Medicine

The Food and Drug Administration is pondering placing restrictions on the purchase of cough suppressants such as Robitussin and NyQuil because these, and a number of other similar over-the-counter...

Wind Power Creates Problems

What happens when government tries to make things better? Usually, it makes things worse. Wind power sounded like a harmless enough idea. ...

Corn Hybrids and Big Brother

The marketplace solves so many “problems” that it is amazing how often people turn to government or resort to violence to force their opinions down other people’s throats. Giorgio...