Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 19 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

Egyptian Nazi Party Formed

Al-Badeel, an Egyptian news service, has reported that an Egyptian Nazi Party will contend in the upcoming elections.  Emad Abdel Sattar, a founding member of the group, summed up...

Maoism Will Not End Problems in Nepal

The name “Katmandu” brings up images of Lost Horizons and Shangri La and, perhaps, the Abominable Snowman. Katmandu is the capital of Nepal, a nation nestled within the Himalayan...

California Still a Mess Under Brown

The economic free-fall of the beleaguered state of California is continuing apace. In January, when Governor Jerry Brown took office, the state's deficit was a mind-numbing $26.9 billion. Its...

Is the Arctic Warming — Again?

Dr. Aevar Petersen, chair of Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), recently told the Foreign Ministers of Arctic countries that the tree line in that region may grow...

West Bengal Set to Vote Out Communists

Communism is, by any sensible standard, the worst theory of government in modern history. However, its slavish supporters — refusing to accept that this “scientific” theory of economics could...

Brits Reject Change in Voting System

Opinions differ widely among nations as to which voting system is best: the American arrangement wherein two-parties are dominant or the multi-party system in Europe and so many other countries....