About: Bonnie Gillis
Posts by Bonnie Gillis
1492: Discovering Columbus’ Legacy
It is true that the world changed irretrievably on October 12, 1492, but contrary to left-wing opinion, it changed for the better. ...
The Communist Nations and Western Assistance
Help from the West — particularly the United States — made communism the force it became. ...
Betrayal “Made in the U.S.A.”
Fifty years ago, Hungary's people made a brave stand against Soviet tyranny. They failed to win their freedom because they were betrayed by the U.S. government. ...
Terror in Chinatown
President Bush calls Communist China a “partner” in the war on terror, but some Chinese Americans are accusing China of bringing its own terror campaign to the USA. ...
Voters Reject EU Constitution
The European Union’s governing elite are stunned by French and Dutch voters’ rejection of the EU Constitution, but refuse to give up their globalist schemes. ...
Communism’s Resurgence
Communism is not dead in Latin America. In fact, the dominoes are falling south of the border, but no one seems to be noticing. ...
FTAA: Forced to Accept Aliens
Despite one opinion poll after another showing that Americans overwhelmingly support tighter immigration policies, FTAA proponents intend to erase our nation’s borders. ...
“Water Is for Fighting”
Federal agencies allied with enviro-activists have declared war on farmers and ranchers in the Western states, forcing residents of the Klamath Basin to fight for their way of life....
The Emerging European Soviet
The European Union — adding new members and completing a Constitution — threatens the freedom of Europe and foreshadows similar processes under way with the FTAA. ...
Welcome Mat for Terrorists
With Marxist regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Haiti, and communist movements in other Latin American countries, the FTAA poses an enormous security nightmare. ...
Americanism’s Standard-bearer
After viewing the failures of collectivism around the world, Robert Welch took upon himself the responsibility to fight collectivism and communism with all of the power he could muster. ...
UNESCO’s Rotten Track Record
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan, responding to considerable public outcry over a long string of UNESCO abuses, announced that the U.S. was dropping its membership in the organization. The...
The Global School Board
A global stealth campaign is underway and is gathering momentum. The masterminds of this campaign are aiming at nothing less than a world revolution, a revolution of mind and...
High and Dry in the Klamath Basin
In southern Oregon, the Feds’ choice of fish over farmers has made the region’s rural communities and families likely candidates for the endangered species list. ...
McVeigh and the “Misplaced” FBI Files
The release of FBI files in the McVeigh case is only the tip of a conspiratorial iceberg and vindicates The New American’s charges of a massive cover-up regarding the...