About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Dow at 32,000 in 2020?
Opinions differ about the future. But hasn't that always been the case? ...
China Facing Massive Headwinds in 2020
China's debt-funded economic "miracle" is predictably slowing, leaving its communist leaders with few options. ...
China’s Xi Jinping Is Now the “People’s Leader”
Chinese President Xi Jinping received the title “renmin lingxiu” or “People’s Leader,” an accolade reminiscent of that awarded China’s first communist dictator, Mao Tse-tung. ...
One Trillion Dollars Repatriated So Far, Reports Commerce Department
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce American companies have repatriated more than a trillion dollars of their overseas profits since Trump’s “tax holiday” was announced in 2017. ...
Shoppers Set Holiday Records This Year, Exceeding Expectations
The U.S. consumer continues to do what he does best: improve his standard of living through the amazing productivity of the free market, private capitalist system. ...
Pa. Attorney General Declares “Receivers” Are Now “Firearms” Under State Law
It's not paranoia to suggest that the war on private ownership of firearms has little to do with curbing gun violence. ...
Two More Conservative Judges Appointed to Ninth Circuit Ends Its Liberal Domination
Conservatives should take heart that Trump is keeping perhaps his most important campaign promise: to appoint “originalists” to the federal bench. ...
U.S. Officials Say North Korea’s Promise of a “Christmas Gift” Could Be Missile Launch
U.S. officials worry that Kim Jong-un will light off another missile to test President Trump’s resolve, perceiving Trump to be vulnerable while under pressure from his impeachment threat and...
McConnell Claims Democrats Have “Buyer’s Remorse” After Pelosi Puts “Hold” on Impeachment
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the House’s delay in sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate a stall and a comedy. ...
Strong U.S. Economy Improving Trump’s Chances for Reelection
The economy is providing a tail wind for Trump’s reelection campaign. ...
Congress to Bail Out One Pension Plan, Opening Door to Bail Out 1,400 More
With passage of the spending bill containing the bailout of the United Mine Workers of America pension plan, a door will have been opened that cannot be closed. ...
Goldman Sachs Cuts Funding for ANWR Energy Exploration, Citing Environmental Concerns
On Sunday, mega-bank Goldman Sachs announced major restrictions on its loans to energy developers, especially those seeking to exploit the resources beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). ...
Mexico Protests USMCA Labor Provisions
One of the sticking points during negotiations over the USMCA between Mexico and the United States was the issue of national sovereignty over labor practices. Ironically, it’s Mexico who...
Aramco IPO Is a Hollow Victory for Saudi Arabia’s Prince
By nearly every metric, the IPO of Saudi Aramco was a failure. This is not an investment. It is extortion on a grand scale. ...
CBS Still Considers Southern Poverty Law Center Credible
There's another kind of "fake" news — "slander through innuendo" — practiced by CBS. ...