About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
What Will the Economic Recovery Look Like?
The U.S. economy was pushed off a cliff. It's going to take awhile for it to climb back up. ...
Polls Show Business, Consumer Sentiment Suffering Under Coronavirus Shutdown
Polls are consistent: Consumer and business sentiment is taking a dreadful hit thanks to the “social distancing” and “sheltering at home” protocols put in place last month to fight...
Flawed Coronavirus Models Overestimated Deaths, Need for Hospital beds
The initial predictions for the number of U.S. coronavirus deaths have been innacurate, and the outlook is being revised downward. This is good news for Americans and the U.S....
Ipsos, Harris Polls Report Virus Shutdown Is Closing Small Businesses Permanently
Polls conducted among small business owners the third week of March by Ipsos and Harris are showing the damage already being done to small businesses by the coronavirus shutdown....
In States With no Stay-at-home Orders, Citizens Staying Safe
In states with no stay-at-home orders, citizens are using common sense protective measures, and coronavirus infection numbers are under control. ...
Crude Oil Prices Pop on Trump’s Tweet: Saudi Arabia and Russia To Cut Production
For the time being, expect crude oil prices to stay in the 20s and gas prices to continue to drop to well below $2 a gallon. ...
Biden Challenges Trump to a Debate, Again
Once again, the likely Democrat candidate for president, former Vice President Joe Biden, is challenging the president to a debate. ...
Is Whiting Petroleum’s Bankruptcy a Harbinger?
Whiting Petroleum isn't the first energy company to go bankrupt in today's environment. It's just the largest. So far. ...
Wednesday’s ADP Jobs Report Misleading: Job Loss in March Much Worse
The drop in employment reported by ADP looks much better than it really is, as the latest report does not account for data from the last half of the...
Trump Administration Adds Gun Makers and Retailers to List of “Essential” Businesses
On Saturday, the Trump administration revised its list of “essential” businesses deemed important to the safety and security of the Republic, and the list now includes gun stores and...
“Waffle House Index” Flashes Red as Unemployment Numbers Jump
The “Waffle House Index” is a useful indicator of the impact the virus shutdown is having on the U.S. economy. ...
Former Senator Tom Coburn Passed Away March 28
Former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) passed away March 28. Coburn helped mightily in the cause for limited government. He will be missed. ...
Rhode Island Forces Any Out-of-state Visitors to Quarantine Themselves
Rhode Island is forcing any out-of-state vistors to quarantine themselves for 14 days, and is using the National Guard to help enforce the new edict. ...
Trump’s Approval Rating over Handling of Coronavirus Crisis Jumps While Media’s Slumps
The media is at its wit’s end: Trump's handling of the coronavirus contrasts sharply with the media's portrayal of it. ...
Biden Now Claims He Was an Ivy League Professor
Biden's penchant for lying, coupled with what some suspect is the early onset of Alzheimer’s, is making the Democrat Party heirarchy increasingly nervous. ...