About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Deficit to Top $1 Trillion for Fourth Straight Year
On Tuesday the Treasury Department announced that in May the federal government received tax revenues of $180.7 billion, the second highest for the month of May in history. Unfortunately, the...
Will Illinois State Senator Lauzen’s Pension Reforms Work?
Illinois State Senator Chris Lauzen made three simple suggestions to solving Illinois’ $83 billion unfunded pension liabilities: end abuses of the present system, raise the retirement age to 62,...
Housing Bust Cost Average American Family 40 Percent of Their Net Worth, Says the Fed
The release last week of the Federal Reserve’s much-anticipated three-year study of America’s finances, its Survey of Consumer Finances, confirmed what many families already know: Between 2007 and 2010...
Odds Maker Picks Romney to Romp in November
Wayne Allyn Root, former Las Vegas odds maker, reiterated his prediction from last December that Romney would win big in November. ...
Spanish Bailout Just “a Credit Line,” Says Spain’s New Prime Minister
Following another last-minute late-weekend meeting of European Finance Ministers, Spain’s new Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy happily announced that not only would his country receive more bailout funds than it...
Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Is Sending 200 Bound Delegates to Tampa
In his latest statement to his supporters, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul answered a number of questions but left open many more. After announcing in May that he would...
CBO Director: U.S. Is Headed for the Cliff
Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf testified on Wednesday before the House Budget Committee about the federal government’s “Long Term Budget Outlook.” His office just released its latest study which showed...
Chicago Tribune Uncovers Pension Scams of Ex-Mayor Daley and Friends
On May 2, Jason Grotto of the Chicago Tribune penned his two-year experience in ferreting out how former Mayor Richard M. Daley and his friends were able to milk...
Is General Motors Now China Motors?
General Motors' CEO Dan Akerson supports increasingly closer ties with the Chinese tyrants, explaining that it's good for business. "By Bob Adelmann" ...
MF Global Trustee MAY File Charges Against Corzine
The bankruptcy trustee in charge of liquidating MF Global issued a report today that there "may be valid claims" against CEO Jon Corzine. ...
Recalcitrant Unions Force N. Las Vegas to Suspend Labor Agreements
Last Friday the City Council of North Las Vegas, Nevada’s fourth largest city just north and east of Las Vegas, voted unanimously to suspend part of its union agreement...
“U.N. Me” Movie Unmasks the Real United Nations
The English language is insufficiently stocked with words to express adequately here the degree of evil involved in the fraud, deceit, and deliberate murder of hundreds of thousands of...
Polls Show Wisconsin Gov. Walker to Win in a Walk
On Wednesday the Marquette Law School poll showed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with a comfortable lead over his rival, former Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, in next week’s recall election,...
STARS Act — GOP Version of the Dream Act — is Introduced
On Wednesday, Rep. David Rivera (R-Fla.) introduced his bill, “Studying Towards Adjusted Status Act” or the STARS Act, in an effort to break the logjam over immigration reform and provide...
State and Local Pension Plans Underfunded by Half
The latest report from the nonpartisan Center for Retirement Research (CRR) at Boston College was brutal in its assessment of the status of state and local pension plans and...