About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Open Mic Catches Dems’ Plot to Confiscate Guns, Diss Owners
The open microphone following a New Jersey Senate committee meeting caught the unvarnished comments of three anti-gun Democrats working to confiscate their citizens' firearms while dissing those citizens as...
Census Bureau Surprises in 2012 Presidential Election Final Report
The Census Bureau's report on the 2012 presidential election revealed some surprising changes in U.S. demographics, delighting some liberals and discouraging some conservatives. ...
Feds Demand Wiki-Weapon Maker Pull 3D Gun Blueprints
In another skirmish in the gun-control war, the federal government told Cody Wilson to remove from his website free blueprints for 3D guns. ...
New York City Council Passes Bill Forcing Employers to Provide Paid Sick Leave
The "progressives" on New York City's city council passed its Earned Sick Time Act, which forces employers to pay for paid sick days for their employees. ...
Boston Bombing Investigation Reveals Government Surveillance of Phone Calls
An inadvertent leak that the federal government was able to listen to phone calls made by the wife of one of the Boston bombers has exposed the government's enormous,...
The Real Cost of Amnesty
As persuasive as the Heritage Foundation study is of the costs of amnesty contained in the bill crafted by the "Gang of Eight," no mention is made whatever of...
Book Review: Glenn Beck’s “Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns”
Glenn Beck's latest book, Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns, exposes plenty of the myths being promoted by the "controllists" as he calls them, but precious little about the...
Gun Confiscation Via the Therapeutic State Moves Ahead in California
One more step by the Therapeutic State toward gun confiscation was taken by California Governor Jerry Brown this week, hiring more "special agents" to search for and confiscate weapons...
Arkansas Senator Pryor’s Troubles Continue to Mount
Liberal Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor has had a rough month. Polls show his credibility dropping, conservative opponents are beginning to stir, and now he has alienated Mayor Michael Bloomberg's...
Koch Brothers Revamp Strategies for 2014
The Koch Brothers' meeting in Palm Springs could presage the beginning of the change back to sensible policies and limited government that so many are hoping for. ...
42 House Republicans Propose Ending “Obama Phone” Subsidy
Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark.) is right: The only way to fix the "Obama phone" subsidy is to end it altogether. Then the other problems associated with the subsidy —...
Joint Bills Introduced to “Cut” Skyrocketing SNAP (Food Stamp) Costs
The old food stamp program now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is growing so quickly and costing so much that nibbling around the edges of it with bills...
DHS Spokesman Waffles Over Huge Ammo Purchases
The Homeland Security Department's lack of forthrightness in explaining its supposed need for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition was exposed at a hearing Thursday in Washington. ...
Calls to Privatize the FAA Follow Controller Furloughs and Airport Delays
Calls to privatize government agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are likely to fall on deaf ears until the government runs out of money. ...
New Poll Shows Small-business Owners Favor Raising Minimum Wage?
A closer look at a surprising poll showing a majority of small-business owners favoring raising the minimum wage reveals an organization with an agenda. ...