About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Backpacks, Pressure Cookers, and the Truth
Although Michele Catalano's concerns about the surveillance state are legitimate, the people seeing her Internet searches for backpacks and pressure cookers were a lot closer to home. ...
Home Ownership Rates Continue to Fall; New Plans to Reflate Bubble
In the face of evidence that home ownership rates continue to fall, bureaucrats are trying to soften rules that were written to keep another real estate bubble from forming....
Another School District Arms Its Teachers
Little Clarksville, Arkansas, is indicative of the sea change in attitude toward arming teachers that is moving across the country. ...
CFR Steps Up Attack on the Second Amendment Using Discredited Statistics
Using a veil of falsehoods, misstatements, and glittering generalities, the author of the CFR's latest screed on Americans' Second Amendment rights reveals the CFR's real agenda: gun confiscation. ...
George Mitchell, the Father of Fracking, Dead at 94
The supreme irony is that George Mitchell's discovery of "fracking" (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas from shale) that unleashed the energy boom has completely disproved...
Senator Wyden Warns Against the Surveillance State
On most issues, Oregon Senate Democrat Ron Wyden is predictably progressive. But not when it comes to the dangers of the surveillance state. In a remarkable speech he ripped...
Obama Speaks on Economy to Distract from Scandals, Falling Poll Numbers
With falling approval ratings and an escalating unhappiness over various and sundry scandals, it was time for the president and his obedient media to get out of town. ...
Blurring the Line between Police and Military
Radley Balko's book Rise of the Warrior Cop could have been titled The Emergence of SWAT Teams and their Takeover of Local Law Enforcement. ...
McCain Wants “Stand Your Ground” Laws Reviewed, Just Like Obama and Holder
Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) spent the weekend echoing the president and the attorney general in stating that "stand your ground" laws ought to be reconsidered in light of the...
Trayvon Martin Was No Innocent
What the judge in the Zimmerman trial ruled as not relevant was certainly available to the president when he said that Trayvon Martin "could have been my son." But...
Detroit Bankruptcy: No Winners
There will be no winners once Detroit enters bankruptcy. Those who were promised health and retirement benefits are going to be faced with stark painful reality. Bondholders are going...
Jesse Jackson Provides One More Reason to Get Us out of the UN
Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder have taken stands repulsive to America's independence, using the Zimmerman case as a cover. Jackson wants an UN investigation of the case, while Holder...
Holder: Time to Question “Stand Your Ground” Laws
Attorney General Eric Holder questioned the legitimacy of "stand your ground" laws that 25 states have adopted, claiming they "sow dangerous conflict." This directly contradicts Supreme Court precedents since...
CFR Analyst Calls for Elimination of Restrictions on U.S. Crude Oil Exports
A researcher for the globalist Council on Foreign Relations has concluded that unless limits on the export of U.S. crude oil are removed, the oil boom being enjoyed here...
NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly to Replace Napolitano?
NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly's close political connections with Senator Schumer and Mayor Bloomberg, coupled with his mini-police state technology keeping watch over New Yorkers, make him the "perfect candidate"...