About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Former Virginia Governor and Wife Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy
Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife were convicted on Thursday of 11 counts of fraud and conspiracy. ...
Sanctions Boomerang, Threaten U.S. Supply of Russian Rocket Engines
Continuing foreign entangling alliances are beginning to have unhappy consequences for the United States. ...
Response to Uzi Accident Ignores Kids Who Use Guns Responsibly
In their reports on the recent Arizona shooting tragedy, the major media leave out examples of kids who use guns responsibly. ...
Why Aren’t Gas Prices Lower?
With all of the increased production, why haven’t gasoline prices dropped even further? Perhaps a better question to ask is: Why aren’t American motorists paying more for gasoline than...
Article in CFR Magazine: Give Away Money to Stimulate Economy
These two authors of the recent article on the economy in Foreign Affairs magazine suffer from a complete disconnect from the real world. ...
Market Basket Employees Return to Work; Unions Surprised
The employees' strike and customer boycott against the Market Basket supermarket chain was ended with the reinstatement of CEO Arthur T. Demoulas after he bought control of the company...
Sheriff Mack: “We’re Taking Back America One County at a Time”
In his exclusive interview with The New American, Sheriff Mack was gracious with his time and optimistic in his assessment of the battle for freedom raging in the United States....
DUI Charge on Calif. State Senator Who Voted Against Ride-Sharing
The previous day California State Senator Ben Hueso had voted in favor of Assembly Bill 612, which would, for all intents and purposes, end the ride-sharing industry in California...
Al Sharpton Continues to Gain Influence in the White House
Al Sharpton's racial bigotry and incendiary past is not a hindrance, but a help, to those promoting him to greater prominence. ...
Credibility of Key Witness in Ferguson Shooting Rapidly Evaporating
Dorian Johnson's credibility as a star witness against Officer Wilson continues to plummet as more information comes out about what actually happened in Ferguson. ...
Ferguson: Rule by Law or Rule by Mobocracy?
What happened to the rule of law, that Wilson is innocent until proven guilty? ...
Will New Information Exonerate Ferguson Policeman?
Additional information has been reported in the last couple of days that, if accurate, could exonerate Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson from any charges. ...
Ferguson Riots Stoked by Media, Outsiders, Militants
Ugly outside influences — some from as far away as California and New York, continue to fan the flames in Ferguson. ...
Armed Business Owners Scare Away Looters in Ferguson
Armed business owners in Ferguson discouraged looters, who had a change of heart and instantly revised their “victim selection process.” ...
Local Georgia School District Overwhelmed With Immigrant Students
The flood of immigrant students at the new "welcome center" in Georgia would not have surprised the fellows at the Heritage Foundation. ...