About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Ruling Imminent on California’s Anti-gun Microstamping Law
A judicial decision on microstamping guns' firing pins is expected momentarily, and might temporarily dampen anti-gunners' appetites for more gun laws. But only temporarily. ...
Patriot Act’s Illegal Section 215 due to Expire June 1
Section 215 of the Patriot Act is set to expire June 1, and each side in the upcoming battle to renew, reform, or let expire this unconstitutional abridgement of...
Re-fracking Old Wells Is Extending the Fracking Revolution
Oil wells are being re-fracked to get renewed production, which will likely interfere with Saudi Arabia's efforts to hurt its competitors by flooding the markets with oil. ...
Russian Cyber-thieves Steal $1 Billion From Russian Banks?
Too many unanswered questions surround this sudden revelation of massive international bank thefts. ...
Inside Track
Alaska's Governor Bill Walker, just inaugurated last week, is facing the cold reality of falling oil prices. ...
ATF Bans Popular Rifle Ammunition It Says Is “Armor-Piercing”
In its latest broadsice against the Second Amendment, the ATF declared that "green tip" M855 “ball ammunition” chambered in 5.56 mm is now “armor piercing” and can no longer...
Calls That Oil Prices Have Bottomed Are Premature
Charts and graphs of supply and demand aside, it’s the political side of crude that is currently driving prices lower, and they could remain low for a while. ...
Are Earthquakes in Texas Caused by Fracking?
Earthquakes in Texas and elsewhere have ignited a flurry of comments linking them to fracking, without any proof. ...
Atheist Group Fails Again to Remove “Under God” from the Pledge
The Becket Fund has again defeated in court a move by the American Humanist Association to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. ...
China’s Economy Headed for a Hard Landing
Sunday's Wall Street Journal says the China economic bubble is imploding at an accelerating rate that has caught Wall Street economists off guard. ...
Fraud in Wealthy Immigrant Visa Program Exposed
DHS whistleblowers say the “wealthy immigrant visa program” has been subverted to allow criminals and spies into the country, bypassing regular channels. ...
U.S. Government’s Interest Costs to Quadruple in 10 Years
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the federal government will be paying $800 billion annually just to service the interest on its massive debt by 2025, up...
Wisconsin Governor Walker to Substantially Reduce University Spending
As part of his quest to bring Wisconsin’s government spending under control, Governor Scott Walker announced a 13-percent cut to the University of Wisconsin’s annual budget. ...
Obama’s FCC to Issue “Net Neutrality” Rules on Thursday
The FCC will announce new rules Thursday changing Internet providers from "information services" to "telecommunications companies." The new rules, to be issued for public comment on Thursday, will be...
Obama Budget Proposal Designed to “Challenge” Republican Congress
Obama's 2016 budget proposal dares the GOP-controlled Congress to play defense without appearing to favor the ultra-rich or corporations who put billions in earnings abroad. ...