About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Texas Senate Passes Anti-sharia Law Bill
Texas is the latest state to try to protect itself against attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies to insinuate its sharia law into American jurisprudence. ...
D.C. Loses Again in Second Amendment Case
Supporters of the right to keep and bear arms have won another small victory in the long war to preserve the original intent of the Second Amendment. It's only...
Gates to Boy Scouts: Prepare to Surrender
Former secretary of defense and current president of the Boy Scouts Robert Gates is accomplishing his mission of turning the Boy Scouts into a recruiting source for the homosexual...
Driverless Cars to Disrupt Industry, Benefit Consumers
Once again the free market is working its magic — this time in the automotive field, with driverless cars and leased cars. Its "invisible hand" is making life simpler,...
Former Maryland Governor to Announce Presidential Bid
Martin O'Malley could be just the ticket to spice up an otherwise vacuous and boring Democrat presidential campaign. ...
Atlanta Fed Drops GDP Growth Estimate to Under One Percent
The Atlanta branch of the Federal Reserve System's GDPNow has a record of embarrassing mainstream economists who continue to view the economy through rose-colored glasses. ...
Defense Department, Bloomberg Expand War on Guns
The latest efforts by anti-gunners Michael Bloomberg and Defense Department officials to slow down Second Amendment momentum evince a palpable sense of desperation. ...
Pressure Building to Pass National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Law
Ends and means have gotten confused with the pressure to pass national concealed carry reciprocity laws, which would expand the power of the federal government over the states. ...
Freedom Act Passes House, 338-88; Senate Likely to Ignore it
Some say the Freedom Act is serving nicely as a distraction from the Surveillance State Repeal Act, which has real teeth. ...
Moody’s Lowers Chicago’s Debt Rating to Junk Status
Moody's has cut Chicago's debt two levels to junk status, belying Mayor Rahm Emanuel's claims of progress in lowering the city's debt. ...
Int’l Tests Show U.S. Students Poor in Math, Civics, Literacy
Students' test scores continue to reflect the failure of public education in America. But former U.S. Representative George Nethercutt's solution also fails. ...
New York’s Fracking Ban Hurting Upstate New Yorkers
Ignoring economic reality, political ideologues ban the very activity that could solve the problems faced by residents suffering under the ban. ...
Nullification Spreading: Minnesota Invalidates FDA Restrictions
It appears that the genie is out of the bottle, as states' nullification efforts continue to gain momentum as Minnesota nullifies FDA restrictions. ...
China Export Shipping Declines by Two-thirds
Exports from China have fallen off a cliff as Keynesian economic "remedies" are used to no avail to boost China's economy. ...
EMP Threats Force NORAD Back Into Cheyenne Mountain
As the threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack grows, the North American Aerospace Defense Command is moving back into its previous Cheyenne Mountain underground bunker in Colorado Springs....