About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Minimum Wage Hikes Are Costing Jobs
Economic laws cannot be overturned, no matter how hard progressives try. ...
Gun Permit Applications Swamping Local, Federal Agencies
In the wake of the recent San Bernardino shooting in December, gun permit applications are swamping local and federal agencies. ...
Oregon Gun Bill “Most Dangerous” Ever Offered
Ignoring due process now appears to be the battering ram of choice by anti-gun politicians, this time in Oregon. ...
Crude Prices Likely to Drop Further After Iranian Sanctions Lifted
Justice may be slow but it is sweet. Iranian oil will put additional pressure on OPEC. ...
Second Amendment Momentum Builds; More Law Officers Urge Gun Ownership
Reflecting the cultural shift favoring the Second Amendment, sheriffs and police officers around the country are urging their constitutuents to arm themselves. ...
Interior Secretary Halts All New Coal Mining on Public Lands
The announcement that the Obama administration would be stopping issuing new coal leases on federal land should catch no one by surprise. Obama promised to shut down the coal...
TransCanada Sues Obama for Exceeding his Authority in Rejecting Keystone
Even as the Obama administration ignores the Constitution, at least TransCanada sees it as relevant in its lawsuit. ...
“Audacious Executive Actions” Coming, Promises Obama’s Chief of Staff
Any notion that the president is going to relax his efforts to impose his agenda on American citizens was swiftly removed by his chief of staff on Wednesday. ...
Oil Prices Down, Oil Bankruptcies Up, Industry Safe
OPEC's hopes that low oil prices, owing to its full-tilt pumping operations, would remove production in the United States' oil fracking areas continue to be dashed on the rocks...
Use of “Beware” Software by Police Is Raising Concerns
The "Beware" software being tested in Fresno is one small jump away from the "precogs" in the film Minority Report, which profiled people and arrested them before they had...
“Killer Cop” Narrative a Lie, Says New York Post
The purported proof that police as a group are killers has been shown to be exactly the opposite: They were doing their job. ...
Defensive Gun Training Classes Increasingly Popular
Under-reported by the mainstream media are the dozens, if not hundreds, of schools offering gun training for those with concealed carry permits. ...
Many Challenges Face Obama’s Gun Control Executive Orders
It takes money to fund Obama's gun control plans, which are usurpations of the power of Congress, and Congress has "the power of the purse" to void such plans,...
Obama’s Executive Orders Threaten Separation of Powers
Obama's new gun control executive orders are fraught with dangerous overreach of the executive branch into the business of the legislative branch. ...
Obama Pushes More Gun Control; Most Americans Don’t Want It
Just as President Obama is turning up the volume on his gun-control agenda, the American people are telling Gallup they really couldn’t care less. ...