About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Will a Market Selloff Turn Into Worldwide Recession?
Predictions of a global recession are now coming more and more from mainstream economists and analysts. ...
Low Oil Prices Are Tempting Politicians to Raise Gas Taxes
Obama's latest bright idea about raising the federal gas tax doesn't stand a chance of passing the Republican-led Congress, but it just might ignite similar foolishness at the state...
Article I Project Aims to Restore Balance Between Congress, White House
The Federalist Society has launched the Article I Project to restore the balance of powers provided for by the Founders in Article I of the U.S. Constitution. ...
Venezuela Could See Hyperinflation, Economic Collapse
With high levels of inflation and general economic malaise affecting Venezuala, some experts say the country has passed "the point of no return." ...
Does Cruz’s Iowa Victory Signal the End of Ethanol Subsidies?
If support for ethanol subsidies is waning in Iowa, of all places, does that spell the end of them altogether? ...
Puerto Rican Senate to Investigate Causes of the Island’s Financial Woes
When something is free, demand for it is unlimited. But there's always a day of reckoning, as Puerto Ricans are finding out. ...
As Oil Price Drops, Iraq Faces Existential Threat
Dependency upon a government that is in turn dependent upon oil may be Iraq's undoing. ...
Energy Expert Sticks With Prediction of $18 Oil
John Kildruff, the founder of energy trading company Again Capital, predicts oil will reach as low as $18 a barrel. If his prediction comes to pass, it will continue...
Robots Are Taking Over Agriculture
Technology will soon allow a single factory to produce more than 30,000 heads of lettuce every day, using 98 percent less water, 30 percent less energy, and 50 percent...
After Being Tied up and Robbed, Colorado Homeowner Shoots and Kills Fleeing Suspect
One less criminal for the Colorado justice system to worry about. The homeowner will likely be charged with a lesser crime instead of first-degree murder. ...
Florida’s Economy Rebounds Thanks to Cuts in Taxes, Spending, Regulations
No surprises here. When taxes, regulations and spending are all cut, the free market can breathe again. ...
Federal Government Continues to Lose Trust of Its Citizens
A Pew study on Americans' satisfaction with the federal government strongly suggest that the larger government gets, the more people distrust it. ...
Social Security Inching Its Way Toward Bankruptcy, Says CBO
Margaret Thatcher was right. Welfare schemes fail when they run out of other peoples' money. The CBO gives some background on the failing Social Security program. by Bob Adelmann...
Robots Transforming China, Causing Heartburn at World Economic Forum
The Fourth Industrial Revolution — centered in China where indusrtrial robots are replacing humans — has many side benefits in addition to lower costs and higher standards of living. ...
GE’s Move to Boston: Corporate Welfare Through Tax Incentives?
Some call the Boston mayor bribing General Electric to move to Boston crony capitalism. Others call it corporate welfare. A few see it for the bottom line of what...